Hot off the Press

 OE Watch (June ’20) – This issue features 62 articles covering various security challenges including a Russian Perspective of Regional Security in the Arctic
 OE Watch (July ’20) – This issue features 63 articles from across the globe including one from Latin America examining the Gulf Cartels PYSOPS During COVID-19
Red Diamond– Iran (July ‘20) – Six articles focused on Iran including an assessment on the implications of their recent missile strike targeting U.S. Forces.
The Arctic Through 2035 – An overview of the Arctic as an OE; with implications for the Army across warfighting functions and assessments of competitor approaches.
Competition in 2028—Anticipating Russian Exploitation of the Operational Environment – An analysis of Russia’s range of global exploitation activities and their impact on U.S. national security and strategic interests. Includes case studies spanning across all U.S. Combatant Commands.

Recommended Readings

Two articles from TRADOC G2’s Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO) team in the JUL-AUG Military Review journal:

A Russian Military Framework for Understanding Influence in the Competition Period

Ensuring the Political Loyalty of the Russian Soldier

Mad Scientist


Mad Scientist has completed its Summer series on Weaponized Information —

if you missed any of the events, you can watch them again here [via a non-DoD network] and explore all of the associated content (presenter biographies, slide decks, scenarios, and notes from each of the presentations) here. Stay tuned to the Mad Scientist Laboratory for future events.

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DATE / ATPs / OE Updates

Date atp

ATP 7-100.2 — North Korea Tactics – Detailed review of the tactics, organization, and activities of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s ground forces

Breaking Doctrine—North Korea ATP  –   This Podcast orchestrated by the US Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate (CADD) is an analytical discussion regarding the new North Korea ATP, and delves into how the North Korean Army operates and the analytical ideas on how it will evolve in the future

Training & OPFOR Updates

Did you miss the TRADOC G2 overview of DATE, OPFOR, and other tools presented on 02 July during the G2, 101st ABN DIV FaceBook Live event? Watch the full discussion or short four min video on the Operational Environment to 2030 here.

Monthly WEG Challenge
Which helicopter has the highest maximum speed?

game july

Coming Soon

ATP – China (ATP 7-100.3)

OE Watch (August’20)

All information and links approved for public release / Distribution is Unlimited

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