This OE Watch contains 24 foreign article reviews spanning over 30 different regions and countries covering Operational Environment topics from the foreign perspective for the US Army leader, development, training and education community, as well as others in governmental, analytic, and academic communities.

You can access the TRADOC G2/FMSO OE Watch and FMSO’s website:

You can download this particular issue directly at:

Its Table of Contents is here:

3 PLA Fields New Integrated Command Platforms, Improving Combined Arms Operations
5 Bridging the Gap Between PLA’s New Military Systems and Technical Proficiency
7 China’s Investment in Kenya Creating Wealth Disparity and Potential Instability
8 India Improving Surveillance and Infrastructure on Chinese Border

10 Russian Media Speculating on Role of Mysterious New S-550 Air Defense System
12 Russia Developing Two New Long-Range Air-to-Surface Cruise Missiles
14 Russia Has Fielded New Arctic Short-Range Air Defense Missile
16 New Artillery System on the Horizon for Russian Far North and Arctic
18 Kremlin Denouncing So-Called “NATO Infrastructure” in Ukraine
19 Kremlin Training Russian Journalists for Conflict

20 Iran Tests New Cruise Missiles
21 Iran’s Supreme Leader Speaks on Martyrdom

22 Malian Military Pursuing Negotiation To Combat Al-Qaeda’s Affiliate
23 Burkina Faso and Borno State, Nigeria Attempt Return to Normalcy Despite Terrorism Risks
24 President Lasso Calls for “Plan Ecuador” Amid Growing Security Concerns
25 Colombia Celebrates Arrest of Major Drug Trafficker “Otoniel”

26 Azerbaijan Continues To Prepare for Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
27 Ukraine’s Use of Turkish Drones Escalates Turkish-Russian Tensions
29 More African Countries Eye Turkish Combat Drones
31 Morocco Denys Conducting Drone Strike Against Algerian Targets in Western Sahara
32 Houthis Continue Methodical March Toward Marib
34 New France-Greece Strategic Alliance Becomes First Intra-NATO Defense Pact
35 Russian Aid to Ethiopia Failing To Halt Advancing Tigray Defense Force
36 Kenya: Weapons and Climate Change a Deadly Mix

For more information on this product, please contact:
Mr. Paul (Kent) Baumann ( ); Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, KS

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