This OE Watch contains 21 foreign article reviews spanning over 20-25 different regions and countries covering various Operational Environment security topics from the foreign perspective for the US Army leader, development, training, and education community, as well as others in governmental, analytic, and academic communities.

This issue can be downloaded at FMSO’s website:,, or directly at OE Watch Issue # 10, 2023

Its Table of Contents is here:

China’s Attempt To Increase Regional Influence – By Cindy Hurst
China Vaunts Its Fifth Generation Stealth Fighter – By Cindy Hurst
People’s Liberation Army Ground Force Fields First Armed Reconnaissance Drone – By Alpha Ngo
Taiwan Addressing Drone Technology Gap With China – By John Lubianetsky
China Pursues Increased Access To Critical South American Resources – By Ryan Berg

Russia Continues Investment In Arctic Route Expansion – By Les Grau
Russia Signs Agreement To Open Naval Base In Abkhazia – By Dodge Billingsley
The Evolution Of Russia’s Peacekeeping Mission In Nagorno-Karabakh – By Matthew Stein
Poland And The Baltic States Express Concern About Regional Stability – By Paris Gordon
Russia Uses Diplomacy To Increase Military Influence In Libya – By Lucas Winter

Iran Announces Integration Of Artificial Intelligence Into Drone Fleet – By Michael Rubin
Iran Equips Drones With Heat-Seeking Missiles – By Michael Rubin
Iran Demands Disarmament Of Kurdish Dissidents In Iraq – By Michael Rubin

Arabic Media Boasts Narrative Of Victory Following Hamas’ 7 October Attack Of Israel – By Lucas Winter
North African Wave of Support For Palestinians At Onset Of Israel-Hamas War – By Jason Warner
Maduro Regime Claims Victory Over Tren de Aragua Criminal Network – By Ryan Berg
Pakistan Struggles In The Tri-Border Region After Multiple Terrorist Attacks – By Christopher Betts
Indonesia Attempts To Calm Sentiments After Counterinsurgency Operation – By Jacob Zenn

Military Junta Led Sahelian States Create New Collective Security Organization – By Jason Warner
Niger Sees Wave of International Departures Post-Coup – By Jason Warner
Côte d’Ivoire’s Stance On Military Interventions Prioritize Democratic Principles – By Jacob Zenn
India Upgrades Its Artillery Systems Based On Lessons From The War In Ukraine – By Matthew Stein

For more information on this product, please contact:
Mr. Paul (Kent) Baumann, (, off. tel. (913-684-4324); Foreign Military Studies Office, 731 McClellan Ave (Bldg 48), Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027-1350

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