MDIME China Argentina

Instruments of Chinese Military Influence in Argentina

 Lucas Winter, Jason Warner, and Angel Villegas-Cruz

What tools of national power does China use to gain military influence in Argentina? In this new report from FMSO’s “M-DIME Research Project,” which assesses Chinese and Russian military influence in third-party states around the world, we assess that China’s current M-DIME influence in Argentina is Low. By far the most important instrument for China’s current military influence in Argentina is: - Trade and Cooperation in Strategic Commodities/Sectors (E3). Some of the most important instruments for China’s projected military influence in Argentina are: - Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Support (I2). - Formal Bilateral Military Engagements (M1).

What tools of national power does China use to gain military influence in Argentina? In this new report from FMSO’s “M-DIME Research Project,” which assesses Chinese and Russian military influence in third-party states around the world, we assess that China’s current M-DIME influence in Argentina is Low.

By far the most important instrument for China’s current military influence in Argentina is:
• Trade and Cooperation in Strategic Commodities/Sectors (E3).

Some of the most important instruments for China’s projected military influence in Argentina are:
• Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Support (I2).
• Formal Bilateral Military Engagements (M1).

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