The U.S Army Training and Doctrine Command G-2 has developed the DATE Events List, a training support aid that provides a small sample of possible events that can be applied to any DATE-based scenario. These events characterize a broad range of threats and challenges in any operational environment, envisioned by current and emerging Army doctrine. Training developers should use this list as a starting point for Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) development and modify them to suit their individual scenario and training objectives.

This event list is:
• Informed by real-world events, recent MCTP and CTC exercises, and analysis of real-world adversaries;
• Designed to complement training for emerging concepts in doctrine, like Multi-Domain Operations;
• Directly applicable to units planning, preparing, executing, or assessing a training event with a scenario created using DATE environments.

This event list is not:
• Prescriptive to adversaries, or to specific regions or OEs within DATE, except where geography requires it (e.g. events in the Arctic);
• Exhaustive, it is a starting point. Trainers should expand on these events to meet their specific training objectives;
• Static, as new trends emerge, the list will be updated to maintain relevancy;
• Constraining; trainers are not bound to the scope of events listed here in developing their own MSELs.

View TRADOC G2 DATE Events List Here  or on the DATE webpage HERE.

Distribution A: Approved for public release

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