Russia Struggling To Integrate Its Most Effective Unmanned System

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by Blair Battersby, TRADOC G-2 Analyst Russia’s Orlan unmanned aerial system (UAS) has proven to be its most effective unmanned system on the battlefield in Ukraine because its speed and flying altitude have made it difficult to defeat. However, observations of the Orlan’s employment suggest Russia is experiencing challenges integrating this complex system, which could…


Event: TRADOC G2 ATP 7-100.1 Russian Tactics LPD

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TRADOC G2 ATP 7-100.1 Russian Tactics LPD TRADOC G2 Invites you to participate in a Leader Professional Development (LPD) opportunity on the newly released ATP 7-100.1 Russian Tactics. Published on 29 FEB 24, the ATP describes Russian doctrine and tactics, addressing the challenges the nation faces against the acute Russian threat. The publication provides a…


Introducing the new DATE Indo-Pacific Region Video

Global Tactics For Army Readiness

 TRADOC G2 expanded and updated the Indo-Pacific Operational Environment (OE) of DATE in August, 2023. Additions include four new countries to better reflect the complex operational environment: Bagansait, Himaldesh, Sungzon, and Khorathidin. Our allies are already using and contributing towards this environment, as most recently as the large scale, multi-lateral exercise, Talisman Sabre 23.…


Resources for Studying China

How China Fights China Landing Zone

Resources for Studying China Available at: Peter Wood is a senior analyst at the TRADOC G2 Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO) and has complied a comprehensive starting point for resources to view in studying China.  These resources allow users to choose from educational links, suggested reading lists as well as Podcasts and newsletters to…