Mobile Training Team Courses
ISR Tactical Controller Course

ISR 314 ITC Course
U.S. Army Foundry Catalog Listing
(ATRRS Inputted)(USASOC & USCENTCOM AOR Deployers)
TRADOC G2’s Signature & Joint ISR program in conjunction with Air Force and the Marine Corps Special Operations Command (AFSOC & MARSOC) has developed an innovative ISR to Tactical Controller (ITC) course designed for United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) personnel and individuals deploying USCENTCOM AOR to task and manage theater and organic airborne ISR sensors in support of global intelligence and operational requirements. The course provides ITC support to Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO) by providing fundamental knowledge of ITC, Collection Management, and ISR allocation principles and processes. The ITC course is designed to enhance unit efficiency and effectiveness by teaching AOR TTPs, policies and exposing students to current ISR operations.

- Current Joint &
Theater Lesson Learned - Realistic Situational
Themes - Joint Concepts &
Doctrine Based - Joint Staff
Synchronization - OE Specific
Training - Current TTPs &
Lessons Learned

ISR Tactical
Controller Course
This course was designed and created to provide onsite OE specific training for individuals scheduled to fill an ITC billet. Students will perform similar tasks of an ITC in a deployed environment
Certification Criteria
(SOCOM & CENTCOM accepted)
Upon successful completion of the ITC certification Course, participants will be able to execute ISR Sensor Tasking Authority (STA) by:
- Under realistic operational conditions effectively employ airborne sensors to meet Commander's intent
- Applying a fused Intelligence discipline approach to Target Development and Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (IPOE, IPB)
- Tracking patterns of life (POL) and patterns of activity (POA) from enemy networks in their respective AO
- Tasking the Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) Units in real-time to support ground Commander's objectives
- Find/fix targets in support of kinetic/non-kinetic targeting
Collection Management Courses

ISR - 303 MTTs (formerly ISR TOPOFF)
Courses are tailored to unit’s OE focusing on employing joint theater ISR processes, products, and airborne assets

- Current Joint &
Theater Lesson Learned - CTC Augmentation / Preparation
- Joint Concepts &
Doctrine Based - Multinational Training
Support - Joint Staff
Synchronization - Current TTPs &
Lessons Learned

Collection Requirements Management (CRM)
(3–5-day w/*Senior Leaders Overview)
Provide a working knowledge of Joint intelligence collection planning, organization, requirements development, and prioritization related to CRM current best practices with a sound doctrinal basis within the Joint ISR field focused on current best practices in COCOMs
Advise & assist staffs on OE focused and specific CRM Capabilities including current trends in INDOPACOM, EUCOM, and CENTCOM AORs
- Generating and submitting Requests for Collection; Developing PIR/SIR, developing EEI/NAIs/TAIs
- Having a working knowledge of ISR assets and their capabilities/limitations
- Understanding the systems, documentation and products associated with ISR operations
- Understanding the CRM process for all intelligence assets (airborne and ground sensors) to meet Commander's intent (focus on theater and joint)
- Providing proper mission feedback supporting MOP and MOE
Prepare individuals to effectively plan, request, employ, target, and manage airborne-ISR assets at the Joint Task Force and Component level— trains how to ITC airborne tactical and theater level assets
- Effectively employing all airborne sensors to meet Commander's intent
- Applying a fused Intelligence discipline approach to Target Development and Intelligence Planning in specific Operational Environments (OEs)
- Tracking patterns of life (POL) and patterns of activity (POA) for enemy networks in their respective AOs