Step into the China Landing Zone, TRADOC G2’s public website capturing All Things China to inform training, education, and leader development.
See the latest production on content related to China.
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Chinese military's approach to conflict, including insights into its organization, equipment, and operational methods.
Unlock insights into Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLAA) tactics with ATP 7-100.3, your authoritative source from TRADOC on Chinese military doctrine.
The foundational research and analysis conducted by TRADOC G2 are based on observations and insights drawn from current operational environments and threats. These findings are meticulously documented in monthly running estimate products, which are widely distributed throughout the force. By enriching comprehension of the operational environment, these products play a vital role in TRADOC G2's analytical processes. This ensures that TRADOC's solutions, spanning doctrine, organization, training, equipment, leadership development, personnel, and facilities, are firmly rooted in a deep understanding of the operational context.
Dive into a full suite of material produced by TRADOC G2designed to teach how China fights. Material includes the doctrinal publication ATP 7-100.3, self-paced interactive training podcasts, videos and more.
Various documents and infographics describing characteristics and tactics of the People's Liberation Army.
Tune in to essential perspectives shared by professionals discussing Chinese Tactics.
Infographics on how the People's Liberation Army (PLA) fights and highlighted Warfighter Functions.
Deepen your grasp of the pacing challenge by integrating China into your training simulations through the Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE). Implement strategies, capabilities, organizations, and tactics informed by PLAA (People's Liberation Army of China) doctrine into your training exercises.
Check out additional resources to continue exploring and learning about China.
Step into the Iran Landing Zone, TRADOC G2’s public website capturing All Things Iran to inform training, education, and leader development.
See the latest production on content related to Iran.
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Iranian military's approach to defense.
Explore more about Iran with the TRADOC Community of Practice.
Dive into a full suite of material produced by SME's designed to teach how Iran fights, the conflicts in the middle east, and with the West. Material includes the podcasts and videos.
Deepen your grasp of the persistent challenge by integrating Iran into your training simulations through the Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE). Implement strategies, capabilities, organizations, and tactics into your training exercises.
Check out additional resources to continue exploring and learning about Iran.
TRADOC G2’s public website capturing all things Russia to inform training education leader development.
See the latest production of content related to Russia.
Understand the Russian military approach to conflict and gain insight into how it organizes, equips, and operates.
Comprehend Russia by delving into their perspectives on internal dynamics, conflict approach, and prevalent tactics. Gain insights directly from their own words to develop a more nuanced understanding of the country's intricate political landscape and military strategies.
Dive into a full suite of material produced by tradoc G2 designed to teach how Russia fights. material includes the doctrinal publication ATP 7-100.1, self-paced interactive training, podcasts, videos and more.
Condense comprehensive insights into the characteristics and tactics of the Russian Army with our visually engaging one-page slides and infographics.
Embark on a journey through Russia's military landscape by delving into media-driven perspectives, offering a distinctive outlook on their strategies.
Infographics on how the Russian Army army fights and highlighted Warfighter Functions.
Embark on a journey through Russia's military landscape by delving into media-driven perspectives, offering a distinctive outlook on their strategies. Immerse yourself in these media-based insights to capture the multifaceted dimensions of Russia's military tactics and strategic thinking. Gain a nuanced understanding as you navigate through the unique lens of media coverage, shedding light on the intricacies that shape Russia's approach to military operations.
Check out additional material to continue exploring and learning about Russia.
ESA, your online portal to U.S. Army Training exercises. Effortlessly explore, download, and share exercise materials using ESA's well-organized structure, efficient search functionality, and convenient downloadable options, providing a valuable resource for the Army training community.
ION is a cutting-edge military training platform designed to simulate the dynamic complexities of modern warfare. It immerses users in a virtual environment that replicates social media and digital domains, facilitating training in navigating the intricacies of contemporary operational landscapes. Owned and offered for use by the government, ION is fully automated and scalable, providing a realistic and accessible training experience for military personnel worldwide.
OEVis equips users with advanced tools for detailed network analysis, enabling the identification of crucial nodes, evaluation of centrality, and mapping of information flow. Whether you're exploring social dynamics, communication structures, or operational ecosystems, OEVis offers the analytical power to support data-driven decision-making.
ODIN, the Operational Environment Data Integration Network, offers a comprehensive collection of threat and operational environment data for effective use in training, education, and leader development. It seamlessly integrates resources like the Worldwide Equipment Guide, Threat and OPFOR doctrine, and the Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) into one convenient online hub. ODIN's tailored content for Combat Training Centers and Virtual Opposing Force Academy empowers users with invaluable insights and tools to master OPFOR counter-tasks and enhance readiness in dynamic training environments.
Test or refine your skills in one of two Land Navigation Course simulators. Experience a Beginner level course in a unique Forest environment with minimal GM angle and numerous reference points. Challenge yourself with an Intermediate course and Desert terrain with greater GM and fewer reference points.