The 3 colors of TRADOC.
DATE logo U.S. Army

TRADOC G2 Develops DATE Events List

The U.S Army Training and Doctrine Command G-2 has developed the DATE Events List, a training support aid that provides a small sample of possible events that can be applied to any DATE-based scenario. These events characterize a broad range of threats and challenges in any operational environment, envisioned by current and emerging Army doctrine.…


The 3 colors of TRADOC.
Frontline Story

Bitter Rivals: Iran and Saudi Arabia Part 1 & 2 FRONTLINE Documentary


The 3 colors of TRADOC.
DATE logo U.S. Army

TRADOC G2 Develops DATE Events List

The U.S Army Training and Doctrine Command G-2 has developed the DATE Events List, a training support aid that provides a small sample of possible events that can be applied to any DATE-based scenario. These events characterize a broad range of threats and challenges in any operational environment, envisioned by current and emerging Army doctrine.…

Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) Update: One Donovia

Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) Update
The Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) is the U.S. Army's official tool for scenario development that enables t
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yellow arow pointing right
about Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) Update: One Donovia

TRADOC G-2 Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) World 2023

TRADOC G-2 DATE World 2023
The US Army faces a continuous challenge in responding to the pacing threat of near-peer adversaries who are engaged in
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yellow arow pointing right
about TRADOC G-2 Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) World 2023

TRADOC G2 Develops DATE Events List

The U.S Army Training and Doctrine Command G-2 has developed...
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The 3 colors of TRADOC.
DATE Pacific.

DATE Pacific Update

The update includes the addition of new sub-variable content across the PMESII-PT Framework (totaling over 500 pages of OE content with over 250 sub-variable topics per country).

How Russia Fights

DATE World: The U.S. Army’s Training Environment

The Decisive Action Training Environment World is the U.S. Army’s…

How China Fights China Landing Zone

Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) World

Oct. 2021. This visualization depicts the DATE World training environment.…

How Russia Fights

DATE World Users’ Blog #1 – Introduction to the DATE World User’s Blog

Welcome to the inaugural posting of the DATE World Users…

How Russia Fights

DATE World: The U.S. Army’s Training Environment

The Decisive Action Training Environment World is the U.S. Army’s…

How China Fights China Landing Zone

Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) World

Oct. 2021. This visualization depicts the DATE World training environment.…

How Russia Fights

DATE World Users’ Blog #1 – Introduction to the DATE World User’s Blog

Welcome to the inaugural posting of the DATE World Users…

How Russia Fights

DATE World Users’ Blog #2 – What is DATE World?

Have you ever felt like your battalion S3 is living…