Posts by Kevin O'Connell
Decisive Action Training Environment: Khorathidin
Origin of the DATE Pacific Region In 2018, the U.S. Army Chief of Staff recognized the necessity of broadening DATE to encompass additional regions and representative threats. For this expansion effort, allies from the British Army, the Australian Defence Force, the New Zealand Defence Force, and the Canadian Armed Forces collaborated to develop three…
This article provides background information on how the DATE Indo-Pacific region was developed, introduces several new operational environments (OEs) within the region, and highlights several upcoming efforts. The purpose of this article is to help readers understand the evolutionary nature of DATE and to encourage engagement in shaping future developments. ORIGIN OF THE DATE PACIFIC…
READ STORYDiscover Iran’s Military Strategy: The New Iran Landing Zone
TRADOC G2 is pleased to announce the launch of the new Iran Landing Zone, your primary destination for all things Iran. Understand the Iran military approach to conflict and gain insight into how this persistent threat organizes, equips, and operates through doctrinal products, media and OE observations. Be sure to keep visiting to discover new…
READ STORYBitter Rivals: Iran and Saudi Arabia Part 1 & 2 FRONTLINE Documentary
Iran and the West Part 1-3 BBC Documentary 2009
Breaking Doctrine Podcast “Russian Threat Doctrine Part 1 & 2”
The Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate hosted U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) G-2 to discuss the implementation of the Army’s Techniques Publication (ATP) 7-100.1 Russian Tactics. The ATP describes the Russian doctrine and tactics addressing the challenges the nation faces against the Russian acute threat. The Breaking Doctrine podcast episode explores the foundation of…
READ STORYHindsight Podcast – Russian Threat Tactics Part 1 & 2
Dorsel Boyer, doctrine writer at TRADOC G2 and co-author behind ATP 7-100.1, Russian Tactics, joins us today to discuss the publication of the new army techniques publication as well as briefly touch on lessons learned from the ongoing war in Ukraine. Please note that the views expressed in this episode are those of the participants…
READ STORYExercise Support Application provides collection of training exercises
JOINT BASE LANGLEY-EUSTIS, Va. – The U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command G-2 developed and maintains the Exercise Support Application, an online tool that provides a repository of collective training exercises to aid in the planning and development of unit training. The Army has a need for an exercise database that allows planners to utilize…
READ STORYDecisive Action Training Environment (DATE) Update: One Donovia
As a result of the current European theater security environment, the TRADOC G-2 has substantively updated the DATE country Donovia. Donovia is designed to be representative of an acute threat for two DATE regions, Europe and Caucasus. Historically, due to development over time, DATE had two separate instances of Donovia. One Donovia for DATE Caucasus…
READ STORYTRADOC G2 Threats to 2030
The US Army: Facing a Complex and Converging Operational Environment The US Army stands at a crossroads. The various, yet interconnected elements of the operational environment (OE) are rapidly converging, presenting a multitude of challenges. A Return to Great Power Competition The US Army transitions from counterinsurgency operations to confront a new reality: great power…