The September issue of OE Watch features 54 articles covering various security challenges from the foreign perspective from over 30 different countries and regions around the globe.
It can be found at FMSO’s website:
Also, all of FMSO’s books, studies, and OE Watch issues are digitally available there—a great OE resource for ADTLE!
Notably in this issue, some of Russia’s modernization efforts are highlighted, and particularly, Russian Naval Forces–key in Russia’s all-military strategy and anti-access warfighting. Additionally, this issue
explores China’s strategic thinking vis-à-vis domination in the ground domain, as well as a variety of topics related to COVID-19 and other regional security challenges.
In the Eurasia section, Russia’s intent to advance its military capabilities includes the adaptation of modular ‘shipping container based weapon systems’ (“Russian Navy Adopting Modular ‘Shipping Container-Based’ Weapons”), the deployment of the new ‘Pantsir’ Air Defense Missile system aboard Russian warships (“Pantsir Air Defense System Aboard New Russian Corvettes”), and anti-submarine warfare upgrades (“Northern Fleet Anti-Submarine Warfare Upgrade”). This issue also features a look at Russia’s other internal security challenges, such as (“Computer Games Seen as Threat to Russia’s Global and Domestic Support” and “Tightening Security Info Space”), as well as initiatives in the region such as (“China Belt and Road Initiative Test on Trans-Eurasian Rail and Internal Conflicts”) and (“Are Turkey’s Actions in Libya Benefitting Russia?”).
The Indo-Pacific section considers Chinese military strategic thinking (“Chinese Theorists Consider New Perspectives on Land Supremacy”) and China’s thoughts regarding its own military reforms (“Reflections on the Progress of China’s Military Reforms”). Additionally, this section addresses India and its ongoing military acquisition intentions (“The Indian Army’s Shopping List”) and other regional security challenges (“Indonesia Terrorism Trial Reveals Jemaa Islamiyah’s Global Presence”).
The Middle East, North Africa section emphasizes tensions within the region, as well as interests being promoted by countries from outside the region. The section begins with an Egyptian and Turkish perspective regarding their views of Libya (“Tensions Between Egypt and Turkey over Libya”), followed by several articles concerning outside countries and their perspectives and motivations for influencing the region (“China and Russia Bolster Civilian Nuclear Capabilities in the Middle East”) and (“Russia: Risk and Opportunity in Yemen”).
The Africa section continues to examine conflicts in various regions and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on these struggles, as well as other security challenges associated with humanitarian issues. African perspectives of the Coronavirus and its various impacts are discussed in “COVID-19’s Impact on AMISOM’s Fight Against al Shabaab,” “Coronavirus Increases Tensions and Xenophobia in South Africa,” and “Zimbabwe: COVID as a Pretense to Stifle Dissent.” This issue also discusses continually emerging humanitarian security challenges (“Human Trafficking: East Africans Expand Their Involvement” and “Nigeria Stunned by Boko Haram’s Executions of NGO Workers”).
The Latin America section continues to look at regional and domestic security challenges, including the use of technology by certain cartels to traffic illicit drugs (“CJNG Using Attack Drones in Michoacán Region”).
This particular issue can be downloaded directly at
For more information on this product, please contact: Mr. Paul (Kent) Baumann (, Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, KS
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