This OE Watch contains 25 foreign article reviews spanning over 30 different regions and countries covering Operational Environment topics from the foreign perspective for the US Army leader, development, training and education community, as well as others in governmental, analytic, and academic communities.

This issue can be downloaded at FMSO’s website:

Its Table of Contents is here:

3 Xi Urges Accelerated Development of Cutting-Edge Weaponry, Military Modernization
5 PLA Experimenting with Formations To Optimize Combat Effectiveness
6 China Issues Fifth Mobilization Order To Kick Off Annual Military Training
7 Chinese AI Researchers Claim Success in Teaching Drones To Win Dogfights
8 China-Russia Pledges of Deeper Cooperation Show Tangible Results
10 China Deepens Information Security Cooperation with Central Asian Neighbors

12 Russian Motorized Rifle Divisions To Gain an Electronic Warfare Battalion
14 Russia Modifies Short-Range Air Defense Systems To Combat UAVs
16 Robot-Enhanced Vehicles Planned for Arctic Equipment Evacuation
18 Latest Russian Population Figures Show Continued Declines
19 Russian Invasion of Ukraine Detrimental to Turkey
21 Wagner’s Questionable Operations in Africa

22 Iranian Authorities Arrest Alleged Deputy Leader of Royalist Terrorist Group
23 Iran’s Prosecution of Arab Separatist Highlights Supposed Saudi Ties
24 Russia and China To Help Iran Build New Airports

25 Iran-Backed Iraqi Group Attacks Abu Dhabi with UAVs in Support of Yemen’s Houthis
26 Yemen’s Houthis Employ Iranian “358” Loitering Anti-Aircraft Missile
28 Mozambique Struggles with Post-Conflict Recovery in War Torn Cabo Delgado
29 Uganda and Rwanda Target Militants in Congo

30 Colombia’s Constitutional Court Halts Push for Aerial Spraying of Coca Crop
31 Peruvian President Castillo Oversees Dizzying Turnover in Government
32 U.S. CAATSA Sanctions Hurt Turkey’s Defense Agreements with Third Parties
33 India Orders More Domestically Produced Self-Propelled Artillery Systems
35 Armenia Acquires Russian Helicopters as Part of Armed Forces Modernization
36 Indonesia Takes Measures Against Chinese Naval Incursions

For more information on this product, please contact: Mr. Paul (Kent) Baumann (; Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, KS

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