Russian Assault Groups’ Evolution in Ukraine


by WO2 Blair Battersby, UK LNO to TRADOC G-2 and Dorsel Boyer, TRADOC G-2 Analyst Russia’s approach to war in its so-called “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine has evolved over the past 21 months, suggesting ways in which U.S. Army OPFOR training can evolve to match. Russian forces have faced several organizational and doctrinal limitations…


Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO): Instruments of Chinese Military Influence in Iran

China Influence in Iran Featured Image

“Instruments of Chinese Military Influence in Iran” (by Lucas Winter, Jason Warner, and Jemima Baar) assesses that China’s current military influence in Iran is high, and is expected to increase over the next three years. Some of the primary instruments that China uses to gain influence in Iran are: defense-related diplomacy; cooperation in military intelligence/communication;…


Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO): Instruments of Russian Military Influence in Iran

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“Instruments of Russian Military Influence in Iran” (by Lucas Winter, Jason Warner, and Jemima Baar) assesses that Russia’s current military influence in Iran is high, and is expected to increase over the next three years. Some of the primary instruments that Russia uses to gain influence in Iran are: cooperation in military intel/communications; shared informal/multilateral…


CNA: Key Doctrine Concepts of the PLA

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The Center for Naval Analyses released its report on the Doctrine of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Key Concepts.  This report is the second in a series focused on providing the US Army with basic information about how the PLA thinks about the issue of doctrine and some of their key guiding concepts for the…


CNA: 10 Key Differences between the US and PLA

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The Center for Naval Analyses released its report on The Personnel System of the PLA: 10 key Differences between the US and PRC Militaries.  This report will be a first in a series that supports the effort of providing US Army personnel with fundamental information about the people in the PLA. Specifically, this report identifies…


ThreatMinutes: Empowering Soldiers With Bite-Sized Digital Learning

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Although it is crucial for Soldiers to stay up to date with the latest information about rapidly evolving threats and opposing forces, the traditional approach of disseminating lengthy and complex intelligence documents or in-person briefings may not be the most effective way to engage Soldiers who tend to exhibit a more self-directed and exploratory learning…


Hindsight podcast of ATP 7-100.3 Chinese Tactics


Bradley Marvel, doctrine writer at TRADOC G2 and author behind ATP 7-100.3, Chinese Tactics, discusses the publication and the People’s Liberation Army. The Hindsight podcast is a production by the Army Foundry Platform located at Fort Liberty, NC. Their goal is to support the continuing education of their students by deep diving into topics that…


OE Watch, Vol. 13 (Iss. 07)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

This OE Watch contains 21 foreign article reviews spanning over multiple different regions and countries covering Operational Environment security topics from the foreign perspective for the US Army leader, development, training, and education community, as well as others in governmental, analytic, and academic communities. This issue can be downloaded at FMSO’s website: Its Table…


OE Watch, Vol. 13 (Iss. 08)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

This OE Watch contains 20 foreign article reviews spanning over 20-25 different regions and countries covering various Operational Environment security topics from the foreign perspective for the US Army leader, development, training, and education community, as well as others in governmental, analytic, and academic communities. This issue can be downloaded at FMSO’s NEW website:,…