This OE Watch contains 20 foreign article reviews spanning over 20-25 different regions and countries covering various Operational Environment security topics from the foreign perspective for the US Army leader, development, training, and education community, as well as others in governmental, analytic, and academic communities.

This issue can be downloaded at FMSO’s NEW website:, or OE Watch Issue # 08, 2023 – FMSO (, OR

Its Table of Contents is here:

3 China and Philippines Spar Over Grounded Ship in Spratly Islands
6 People’s Liberation Army Advancing Expertise in Combat Medical Support
8 People’s Liberation Army Focusing on Treating Internal Psychological Issues
10 People’s Liberation Army Discusses Low-Altitude Air Control

12 Former Commander Comments on Future of Russian Airborne Troops
14 Russia Seeks To Expand Military Force Creation to Its Republics
15 Russia Announces New Combined Arms Army in Arctic To Offset NATO Expansion
17 Abkhazia Pushes Back Against Russia’s Suggestion of Incorporation

20 Iran Claims Development of Cruise Missiles Guided by Artificial Intelligence
22 Requirements for Desirable Iranian Oil Ministry Jobs Revealed
24 Iran’s Supreme Leader Warns of Declining Fervor of New Generation

26 UN Assesses Core of Islamic State Stagnating, While Some Global Affiliates Thrive
28 Cameroon Requests Nigeria and Chad Prevent Boko Haram Border Attacks
30 Anti-French Sentiment Undergirds Overthrow of Nigerien Government

32 West African States Split on Potential Intervention in Niger
34 Azerbaijan Protests India’s Delivery of Weapons to Armenia
36 Kyrgyzstan Acquires Turkish UAS, Showing Less Reliance on Russia
38 Turkey Parlaying UAV Sales Into Prominent Position in Emerging Multipolar Gulf Security Architecture
41 Syrian Regime Forces Increase UAV Use Along Jordanian Border
43 Vietnam Taking Diplomatic Approach to Spratly Islands Territorial Disputes

For more information on this product, please contact:
Mr. Paul (Kent) Baumann, (, off. tel. (913-684-4324); Foreign Military Studies Office, 731 McClellan Ave (Bldg 48), Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027-1350

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