Breaking Doctrine Podcast “Russian Threat Doctrine Part 1 & 2”
Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate
TRADOC G2’s Senior Intelligence Analyst, Mr. Jerry Leverich joins Mr. “Flip” Boyer, Colonel (Retired) Rich Creed, and our host Lieutenant Colonel Lisa Becker to begin a conversation about ATP 7-100.1, Russian Tactics. They discuss the background behind this publication and how they used (and continue to use) observations from current events. Our guests also talk about how Russia views the world and their culture of information.
The Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate hosted U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) G-2 to discuss the implementation of the Army’s Techniques Publication (ATP) 7-100.1 Russian Tactics. The ATP describes the Russian doctrine and tactics addressing the challenges the nation faces against the Russian acute threat. The Breaking Doctrine podcast episode explores the foundation of Russian Doctrine, security posture, and the recent development of Russian Doctrine.
The discussion frames Russian tactics for use in Army training, professional education and leader development. The panel discusses Russian application of military doctrine across all levers of national power. The conversation allows army intelligence professionals to conceptualize using the ATP as a framework to support threat-informed military intelligence training.
Part 1
Breaking Doctrine: Episode 63 – “Russian Threat Doctrine, Part 1” on Apple Podcasts
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Episode 63 – “Russian Threat Doctrine, Part 1” – Breaking Doctrine | Podcast on Spotify
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Episode 63 – “Russian Threat Doctrine, Part 1” | Breaking Doctrine | Podcasts on Audible | Audible.com
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Part 2
Breaking Doctrine: Episode 64 – “Russian Threat Doctrine, Part 2” on Apple Podcasts
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Episode 64 – “Russian Threat Doctrine, Part 2” – Breaking Doctrine | Podcast on Spotify
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Distribution A: Approved for public release
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