Posts by KeithFrench
TRADOC: People’s Liberation Army Evolving Its Close Air Support Capability
TRADOC: People’s Liberation Army Evolving Its Close Air Support Capability Click here. CAC REQUIRED.
READ STORYJSOU: Competing for Advantage: The Chinese Communist Party, Statecraft, and Special Operations
Competing for Advantage: The Chinese Communist Party, Statecraft, and Special Operations This edited volume highlights key challenges the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) faces in its rise and contextualizes the potential contributions of special operations to compete for advantage based on the CCP’s interests and vulnerabilities. Competing for advantage means accruing power and influence in such…
READ STORYEvent: TRADOC G2 ATP 7-100.1 Russian Tactics LPD
TRADOC G2 ATP 7-100.1 Russian Tactics LPD TRADOC G2 Invites you to participate in a Leader Professional Development (LPD) opportunity on the newly released ATP 7-100.1 Russian Tactics. Published on 29 FEB 24, the ATP describes Russian doctrine and tactics, addressing the challenges the nation faces against the acute Russian threat. The publication provides a…
READ STORYSignature of Equipment Series: Russia
Signature of Equipment Series: Russia CAC Required Table 1. Russian Air Defense systems Table 1.2. Russian Counter-battery Radars Table 1.3. Russian Early Warning Radars Table 1.4. Russian Ground Surveillance Radars
READ STORYFMSO: Describing Russian Infantry’s Breaching and Clearing Techniques
Dr. Lester Grau and Dr. Charles Bartles discuss the Russian infantry’s breaching and clearing techniques. Published in the Winter 2023-2024 edition of Infantry. Click here for the PDF of the entire Infantry issue, or click here to download the PDF of the single article.
READ STORYFMSO: The Airborne Mechanized Raid: A Russian Concept
Dr. Lester Grau and Dr. Charles Bartles discuss the airborne mechanized raid from the Russian military perspective. Published in the Winter 2023-2024 edition of Infantry. Click here for the PDF of the entire Infantry issue, or click here to download the PDF of the single article.
READ STORYFMSO: Military DIME (M-DIME) Research Project: Tracking Russian military influence in foreign states
What instruments does Russia use to attempt to gain military influence abroad? These reports use FMSO’s M-DIME Research Project framework to assess the extent to which Russia has leveraged twelve tools of national power between 2013 and 2023 to gain military influence abroad. In doing so, they assess Russia’s current overall military influence abroad, as…
READ STORYFMSO: Military DIME (M-DIME) Research Project: Tracking Chinese military influence in foreign states
What instruments does China use to attempt to gain military influence abroad? These reports use FMSO’s M-DIME Research Project framework to assess the extent to which China has leveraged twelve tools of national power between 2013 and 2023 to gain military influence abroad. In doing so, they assess China’s current overall military influence abroad, as…
READ STORYTRADOC: Three Dates, Three Windows, and All of DOTMLPF-P: How the PLA Poses an All-of-Army Challenge
by Ian M. Sullivan In its quest to become the predominant nation in the world, China is creating an armed capability to defeat the United States regionally and eventually globally. China’s military modernization covers every part of doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy, or DOTMLPF-P. Click here.
READ STORYFMSO: The People’s Liberation Army’s Evolving Close Air Support Capability
This monograph examines the PLA’s approach to close air support including command and control, coordination, and support to ground combat. The current and future roles of Army Aviation and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or Unmanned Aerial Combat Vehicles (UACVs) are also assessed as well as the PLA’s lessons learned from foreign militaries, future trends and…