Cyber Intelligence Minute Report – Anti Access and Area Denial

How Russia Fights

The Cyber Center of Excellence has published a series of Cyber Intelligence Minute Reports focusing on the Strategic and Operational environment of Russia.  The three areas they concentrated on were 1) Military and Security Leadership, 2) How they Fight, and 3) Anti-Access and Area Denial. “CAC Required” (U)_230821_Russian_Anti-Access_Area Denial.pptx (


Cyber Intelligence Minute Report – Russia: How They Fight

How Russia Fights

The Cyber Center of Excellence has published a series of Cyber Intelligence Minute Reports focusing on the Strategic and Operational environment of Russia.  The three areas they concentrated on were 1) Military and Security Leadership, 2) How they Fight, and 3) Anti-Access and Area Denial.   “CAC Required” (U)_230807_Russia How They Fight.pptx (


Cyber Intelligence Minute Report – Military and Security Leadership

How Russia Fights

The Cyber Center of Excellence has published a series of Cyber Intelligence Minute Reports focusing on the Strategic and Operational environment of Russia.  The three areas they concentrated on were 1) Military and Security Leadership, 2) How they Fight, and 3) Anti-Access and Area Denial.   “CAC Required” (U)_230814_Russian_Military_and_Security_Leadership.pptx (


TRADOC: Resources for Understanding China

How China Fights China Landing Zone

Resources for Studying China Available at: Peter Wood is a senior analyst at the TRADOC G2 Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO) and has complied a comprehensive starting point for resources to view in studying China.  These resources allow users to choose from educational links, suggested reading lists as well as Podcasts and newsletters to…


Resources for Studying China

How China Fights China Landing Zone

Resources for Studying China Available at: Peter Wood is a senior analyst at the TRADOC G2 Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO) and has complied a comprehensive starting point for resources to view in studying China.  These resources allow users to choose from educational links, suggested reading lists as well as Podcasts and newsletters to…


OE Watch, Vol. 13 (Iss. 06)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

This OE Watch contains 21 foreign article reviews spanning over 20 different regions and countries covering Operational Environment security topics from the foreign perspective for the US Army leader, development, training, and education community, as well as others in governmental, analytic, and academic communities. This issue can be downloaded at FMSO’s website: Its Table…