Unconventional Analytic Products
TRADOC: Driving Change in the Maneuver Force – Threats Over Time
TRADOC: Driving Change in the Maneuver Force – Threats Over Time (CAC Required) Slide presentation highlighting Russia’s evolving doctrine in the face of the Ukraine conflict and PLA lessons learned. Click here
READ STORYFMSO: Chinese-Tajikistani Security Cooperation Gaining Momentum
Chinese-Tajikistani Security Cooperation Gaining Momentum In November 2022, China and Tajikistan agreed to increase bilateral security cooperation. The agreement marked the latest in a series of efforts since 1996 to increase security and economic cooperation. The partnership advances Chinese interests in the Central Asian region and comes as Russia, Tajikistan’s main security partner, is not…
READ STORYCNA: Key Doctrine Concepts of the PLA
The Center for Naval Analyses released its report on the Doctrine of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Key Concepts. This report is the second in a series focused on providing the US Army with basic information about how the PLA thinks about the issue of doctrine and some of their key guiding concepts for the…
READ STORYTRADOC Intelligence Post: LSCO Challenges: Insights on “Will To Fight” From the Russia-Ukraine Conflict (U)
(U)EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (U)The national “will to fight” is a tangible force of interwoven psychological, physical,and ideological elements, often dictating warfare outcomes against the grain oftechnological or numerical superiority. Insights gathered from the war in Ukrainesuggest that while both Russia and Ukraine exhibit resilient wills to fight—in differentand powerful ways—emerging internal and external military challenges can…
READ STORYResources for Studying China
Resources for Studying China Available at: https://oe.tradoc.army.mil/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/China-Resources_July-2023_Disclaimer.pptx Peter Wood is a senior analyst at the TRADOC G2 Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO) and has complied a comprehensive starting point for resources to view in studying China. These resources allow users to choose from educational links, suggested reading lists as well as Podcasts and newsletters to…
READ STORYTRADOC: LSCO Challenge – Russia’s Sensor-to-Shooter Challenges in Ukraine (INTELINK-U)
LSCO Challenge: Russia’s Sensor-to-Shooter Challenges in Ukraine Available on Intelink-U at https://go.intelink.gov/jKMgAhl About This Series: The challenges that Russia has encountered as result of extended large-scale combat operations (LSCO) reveal key object lessons for TRADOC and the broader Army. This series—titled “LSCO Challenges”—will focus on issues that the Russian Armed Forces are presenting in Ukraine,…
READ STORYRussia Strategic Initiative: An Assessment of the Initial Period of War: Russia-Ukraine 2022
Read this study that describes the historical evolution of the Russian concept of the initial period of war for Russia-Ukraine. Part 1. The IPW in Soviet and Russian Military Thought Part 2. Relationship of the Initial Period of War to the Special Military Operation
READ STORYPreliminary Lessons in Conventional Warfighting From Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
From Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: February – July 2022 https://oe.tradoc.army.mil/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/359-SR-Ukraine-Preliminary-Lessons-Feb-July-2022-web-final.pdf
READ STORYMCCC Lesson: Threat OE Defense
Understand the context for how and why the Chinese execute defensive operations
READ STORYManeuver Center of Excellence: Captain’s Career Course, Threat OE Defense Lesson Plan
Understand the context for how and why the Chinese execute defensive operations