“The Army's training and education proponents will use [DATE] as the foundation to describe the OE conditions.”

GEN Milley, Chairman JCS,
(quoted during his tenure as CSA)


The 3 colors of TRADOC.

The U.S. Army utilizes the Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) to prepare soldiers for complex scenarios worldwide. This complex OE contains exceptionally realistic conditions, enabling soldiers to train effectively for diverse challenges they may encounter on the battlefield. DATE offers geographically accurate environments tailored to key regions, providing soldiers with the opportunity to refine decision-making abilities and tactical skills in an unclassified environment. Through this innovative training environment, soldiers are thoroughly equipped and prepared for any mission they may face. 

Understand DATE

The 3 colors of TRADOC.

Explore this section to understand how DATE provides the U.S. Army with a unified training ground for practicing across live, virtual, and simulated scenarios. DATE achieves this by offering a comprehensive framework for understanding complex situations (framing) and preparing for potential adversaries who will fight across all domains – diplomatic, informational, military, and economic. This training environment ensures soldiers are ready for anything they might encounter on the modern battlefield.


The 3 colors of TRADOC.

Discover how DATE revolutionizes military training through immersing soldiers in realistic training environments, preparing them for the complexities of modern warfare. This includes understanding adversaries, navigating diverse operational environments (OE), and adapting to dynamic factors like military force structures and equipment.



The 3 colors of TRADOC.

Discover how to optimize scenario development within DATE by harnessing additional TRADOC G-2 tools. Elevate your training sessions with these resources to craft immersive and realistic experiences for soldiers.

DATE Environment collage
A globe showing all the date countries. The globe is gray and green.


The 3 colors of TRADOC.

Partner through DATE with the U.S. Army training and education community, Operational Forces, Joint Forces, and our International Allies. 
Engage with the TRADOC G2 Training Community of Practice through online forums and spaces.

Media & Resources

The 3 colors of TRADOC.

Explore a comprehensive collection of DATE media and resources designed to enhance your understanding and utilization of this innovative training system. This section provides valuable materials for soldiers, trainers, and anyone interested in the future of U.S. Army training.

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