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TRADOC: People’s Liberation Army Evolving Its Close Air Support Capability
TRADOC: People’s Liberation Army Evolving Its Close Air Support Capability
JSOU: Competing for Advantage: The Chinese Communist Party, Statecraft, and Special Operations
JSOU: Competing for Advantage: The Chinese Communist Party, Statecraft, and Special Operations
FMSO: China OE Watch Articles from 2024 Issue #1
FMSO: China OE Watch Articles from 2024 Issue #1
FMSO: Chinese-Tajikistani Security Cooperation Gaining Momentum
FMSO: Chinese-Tajikistani Security Cooperation Gaining Momentum
FMSO: Military DIME (M-DIME) Research Project: Tracking Chinese military influence in foreign states
FMSO: Military DIME (M-DIME) Research Project: Tracking Chinese military influence in foreign states
TRADOC: Three Dates, Three Windows, and All of DOTMLPF-P: How the PLA Poses an All-of-Army Challenge
TRADOC: Three Dates, Three Windows, and All of DOTMLPF-P: How the PLA Poses an All-of-Army Challenge
FMSO: The People’s Liberation Army’s Evolving Close Air Support Capability
FMSO: The People’s Liberation Army’s Evolving Close Air Support Capability
Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO): Instruments of Chinese Military Influence in Iran
Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO): Instruments of Chinese Military Influence in Iran
CNA: Key Doctrine Concepts of the PLA
CNA: Key Doctrine Concepts of the PLA
CNA: 10 Key Differences between the US and PLA
CNA: 10 Key Differences between the US and PLA
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PLA Warfighting Functions and how the
People's Liberation Army (PLA) fights

How China Fights.

PLA Warfighting Functions

Click on the icons to learn more of how the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Fights >>
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