Understanding the Russia
Landing Zone

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The Russia landing zone, a one stop location for all things Russia, provides information on Russian military doctrine, organization, and tactics in order to support educating the U.S. Army on how Russian ground forces fight.

What's New

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dive into Russian
military doctrine

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Understand the Russian military approach to conflict and gain insight into how it organizes, equips, and operates.


ATP 7-100.1
Russian Tactics

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Access the Army's doctrinal source on the Russian Military’s ground forces tactics. This publication provides the expression of Russia published and observed doctrine and is designed to support representation in Army training.


Way of War

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Access the "Way Of War," a comprehensive document providing a holistic view of Russia's approach to warfare. Uncover the strategic doctrines and methodologies that define Russia's way of war.

Observations and Insights

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TRADOC G-2's foundational research and analysis relies on observations and insights gleaned from contemporary operational environments (OEs) and threats. These insights are documented in monthly running estimate products, which are then disseminated to the force. They serve to enhance understanding of the OE and are integral to TRADOC G-2 analysis. This ensures that TRADOC solutions spanning doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, and facilities are grounded in a thorough understanding of the operational environment. 

yellow globe icon

Contemporary Observations
of Global Events

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Access the repository of monthly and quarterly running estimates. 

minimalist icon of a magnify glass on a paper.

Observations of Russian War
in Ukraine (2022 - 2024)

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Access the archive of historical war in Ukraine-focused monthly and quarterly running estimates.

red diamond magazine icon

Domestic Russian Perceptions
of the War In Ukraine

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Delve into the document shedding light on domestic Russian perceptions of the war in Ukraine.

Learning and Engagement

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Explore interactive training materials that educate on the Russian army and how it fights and engage with the TRADOC Community of Practice. 


Use this interactive self-paced training material to learn about the Russian army. Gain an understanding of how the army fights, organizes, and equips.


Engage with the TRADOC Community of Practice on MS Teams. Where TRADOC G-2 experts welcome questions and feedback from the Force.

How They Fight

This short video depicts why Russia exists as the U.S. Acute Challenge and how the Russian Army is preparing for future warfare. (CAC Required)


Watch a curated selection of videos to help understand how Russia fights.  (CAC Required)

Threat Minutes

Short-form videos to quickly understand the basics of the Threat. (YouTube)

bite size russia logoBITE SIZE RUSSIA

bite size Russia logo


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Explore documents and infographics describing characteristics and tactics of the Russian Army.

Commander's Update Briefs

Ukraine Conflict UAV

TRADOC G2 Briefs
(CAC Required)

Russian Signature of
Equipment Series

Podcasts & Audio Books

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Explore Russia's military landscape through the lens of media, providing a unique perspective on their strategies. Immerse yourself in these media-based insights to grasp the multifaceted dimensions of Russia's military tactics and strategic thinking.

Listen: How Russia Fights 2.0 (pb_04)

Tune in to the audio presentation, "How Russia Fights 2.0" (pb_04), offering an auditory exploration of Russia's military strategies. Gain a nuanced understanding of the tactics employed in the ongoing conflict.

How They Fight Infographics

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Infographics on how the Russian Army fights and highlighted Warfighter Functions. 

red arrow pointing rightRUSSIA: How They Fight


Russia how they fight image

red arrow pointing rightOFFENSE
red arrow pointing rightDEFENSE
red arrow pointing rightRECON
red arrow pointing rightFIRES
red arrow pointing rightAIR DEFENSE
red arrow pointing rightELECTRONIC WARFARE

Representing the Acute Threat in Training

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Take your understanding of the acute threat a step further by representing Russia using the Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE). Apply Russian Army-informed strategies, capabilities, organizations, and tactics to your training events. 

Play Video
Decisive Action
Training Environment

Exercise Support


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Explore a curated selection of additional resources to deepen your understanding of Russia and its military. Included are contributions from centers of excellences across the army, graphic training aids, and other external organizations and products that expand on knowledge and understanding of Russia. 

Graphic Training

Check out graphic training aids such as handbooks, cards, and posters that detail Chinese equipment, organization, and tactics.

Worldwide Equipment Guide

TRADOC G2’s unclassified database on military equipment.

Royal United Service Institute (RUSI)

Think tank that produces evidence-based research, publications and events on defense topics, security, and international affairs in order to help build a more secure, equitable, and stable world. Linked here are some of their seminal products on the Russian military.

Other Contributors

View products from other military and government organizations.


The OE Enterprise is a wealth of knowledge with contributions from Mad Scientist, FMSO, Red Diamond, OE Watch, ODIN and more.

DIA’s Russia Military Power Study

2017 Russia Military Power Report (

World factbook

The CIA World Factbook offers concise, current information on countries' geography, demographics, government, and economy.

Russia Strategic Initiative: Primer on Russian Doctrine

This primer also introduces several key strategic documents that shaped Russia’s 2014 military doctrine and then provides insight into new or updated strategic documents we expect to shape their next iteration of military doctrine.

Policy & Research Institutes