What's New
IRAN’S CRIMINAL STATECRAFT: How Tehran Weaponizes Illicit Markets
Cyber CoE G2 Threat Branch infographic: Pager/Walkie Talkie Explosive attacks on Hezbollah
IRAN’S CRIMINAL STATECRAFT: How Tehran Weaponizes Illicit Markets
Cyber CoE G2 Threat Branch infographic: Pager/Walkie Talkie Explosive attacks on Hezbollah
dive into IRAN
military doctrine
Understand the Iran military approach to conflict and gain insight into how it organizes, equips, and operates.
Iran Tactics
This document is coming soon!
Iran Passive
Defense Manual
Access the "Iran Passive Defense Manual," a comprehensive document providing a holistic view of Iran's approach to defense. This document is a translation.

Iran Quick
Reference Guide
A quick reference guide to increase awareness of Iranian doctrine and networks,
their proxies and capabilities, and their tactics and capabilities operating within multiple battlefield