Understanding the
IRAN Landing Zone

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The Iran landing zone, a one stop location for all things Iran, provides information on Iranian military doctrine, organization, and tactics in order to support educating the U.S. Army on how Iranian ground forces fight.

What's New

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dive into IRAN
military doctrine

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Understand the Iran military approach to conflict and gain insight into how it organizes, equips, and operates.


Iran Tactics

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This document is coming soon!


Iran Passive
Defense Manual

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Access the "Iran Passive Defense Manual," a comprehensive document providing a holistic view of Iran's approach to defense. This document is a translation.

minimalist icon of a magnify glass on a paper.

Iran Quick
Reference Guide

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A quick reference guide to increase awareness of Iranian doctrine and networks,
their proxies and capabilities, and their tactics and capabilities operating within multiple battlefield

Observations and Insights

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yellow globe icon

Contemporary Observations
of Global Events

Access the repository of monthly and quarterly running estimates. 

TRADOC G-2's foundational research and analysis relies on observations and insights gleaned from contemporary operational environments (OEs) and threats. These insights are documented in monthly running estimate products, which are then disseminated to the force. They serve to enhance understanding of the OE and are integral to TRADOC G-2 analysis. This ensures that TRADOC solutions spanning doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, and facilities are grounded in a thorough understanding of the operational environment. 

Learning and Engagement

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Explore Congressional Research Service reports informing on Iran and engage with the TRADOC G-2 Training Community of Practice.


Learn about Iran-supported groups in the Middle East and US Policy.


Engage with the TRADOC Community of Practice on MS Teams. Where TRADOC G-2 experts welcome questions and feedback from the Force.

Podcasts & Videos

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Explore Iran's military landscape through the lens of media, providing a unique perspective on their strategies. Immerse yourself in these media-based insights to grasp the multifaceted dimensions of Iran's military tactics and strategic thinking.

Listen: The Dig Podcast

Listen: EMPIRE Podcast

Watch: Decadence & Downfall in Iran

Watch: Inside Iran: What Happened to Iran’s Women-led Uprising?

WATCH: Iran & the West

WATCH: Bitter Rivals

Representing the Persistent Threat in Training

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Take your understanding of the persistent threat a step further by representing Iran using the Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE). Apply Iran Army-informed strategies, capabilities, organizations, and tactics to your training events. 

Play Video
Decisive Action
Training Environment

Exercise Support


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Explore a curated selection of additional resources to deepen your understanding of Iran and its military. Included are contributions from centers of excellences across the army, graphic training aids, and other external organizations and products that expand on knowledge and understanding of Iran. 

Graphic Training Aids

Check out graphic training aids such as handbooks, cards, and posters that detail Iran equipment, organization, and tactics.

Worldwide Equipment Guide

TRADOC G2’s unclassified database on military equipment.

Study Iran

View the “Resources for Studying Iran” A PowerPoint created by the Foreign Military Studies Office.

Other Contributors

View products from other military and government organizations.


The OE Enterprise is a wealth of knowledge with contributions from Mad Scientist, FMSO, Red Diamond, OE Watch, ODIN and more.

DIA'S Iran Military Power Study

2019 Iran Military Power Report (IMP)

World factbook

The CIA World Factbook offers concise, current information on countries' geography, demographics, government, and economy.

Institute for the Study of War: Iran Updates

The Iran Update analyzes Iranian activities abroad that threaten regional stability and US interests.

Policy & Research Institutes