Support to
Combat Training
Support to CTCs & the MCTP

JISR, a vital component of the US Army, plays a pivotal role in supporting combat training centers (CTCs) and the Mission Command Training Program (MCTP). Through specialized expertise and resources, JISR enhances training effectiveness by integrating joint intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities. By providing tailored support to CTCs and Mission Command Training Program, JISR ensures that military units are well-prepared and equipped to succeed in dynamic operational environments.
National Training Center
The National Training Center (NTC) trains Rotational Training Units (RTU), joint, interagency and multinational partners to build and sustain readiness to fight and win in Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO) across Multi Domain Operations (MDO). Develop ready units and adaptive leaders through a high-fidelity training environment in all five domains.
Joint ISR / Fires / Joint Fires / ADAM-BAE
On-site coaching / mentoring that occurs on a non-interference basis - supporting the RTU mission, Warfighting Functions (WfF), & Operations Group.
Daily informal & formal feedback to Commander Operations Group (COG), Operations Group trainers, & the RTU (as a post rotation “Take Home” packet)
Joint Readiness Training Center
The Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) trains Rotational Training Units (RTU), joint, and interagency partners to build sustained readiness to support Security Cooperation, Crisis Response, and Large-Scale Ground Combat Operations (LSGCO) across Multi Domain Operations (MDO). Develop ready units and adaptive leaders through a complex training environment in all five domains.
Joint ISR / Joint Fires
On-site coaching / mentoring that occurs on a non-interference basis - supporting the RTU mission, Operations Process, staff functions, and Operations Group
Daily informal & formal feedback to Commander Operations Group (COG), Operations Group trainers, & the RTU (as a post rotation “Take Home” packet)
Joint Multinational Readiness Center
The Joint Multinational Readiness Center, the Europe-based Combat Training Center (CTC) with a world-wide mobile training capability, trains leaders, staffs, and units up to Brigade Combat Teams(+) and multinational partners, to dominate in the conduct of Unified Land Operations (ULO) anywhere in the world, now and in the future.
Joint ISR / Collection Management Support
Provide a working knowledge of Joint intelligence collection planning, organization, requirements development, & prioritization related to CM current best practices with a sound doctrinal basis within the Joint/NATO ISR field focused on current best practices.
Advise & assist staffs on OE focused and specific Joint ISR Capabilities including current trends in EUCOM AOR
Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center
JPMRC facilitates unit readiness in the Indo-Pacific region and allows commanders to train their forces in the unique environments and conditions where they are most likely to campaign or be employed in the event of crisis. JPMRC consists of three parts: Hawaii-based training (HI), Alaska-based training (AK), and an exportable (X) capability. JPMRC leverages the unique joint training environments of its locations and offers allies and partners exceptional, multinational training opportunities in realistic environments.
Joint ISR Coaching & Mentorship
On-site coaching / mentoring that occurs on a non-interference basis - supporting the RTU mission, Warfighting Functions (WfF), & Operations Group.
Provide informal & formal feedback to Commander Operations Group (COG), Operations Group trainers, & the RTU