Joint ISR-


Mobile Training Team Courses

ISR Tactical Controller Course​

The 3 colors of TRADOC.

ISR 314 ITC Course

U.S. Army Foundry Catalog Listing
(ATRRS Inputted)​(USASOC & USCENTCOM AOR Deployers)​

TRADOC G2’s Signature & Joint ISR program in conjunction with Air Force and the Marine Corps Special Operations Command (AFSOC & MARSOC) has developed an innovative ISR to Tactical Controller (ITC) course designed for United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) personnel and individuals deploying USCENTCOM AOR to task and manage theater and joint airborne ISR sensors in support of global intelligence and operational requirements. The course provides fundamental knowledge of ITC, Collection Management, and ISR allocation principles and processes. The ITC Course is designed to prepare subordinate units, to effectively plan, request, employ, target, and manage ISR assets on the ground from AOB Component to the Joint Task Force level in any AOR. ​

ISR Tactical Controller Couse Key Competencies
Minimalist yellow globe.

ISR Tactical
Controller Course

This course was designed and created to provide onsite OE specific training for individuals scheduled to fill an ITC billet. Students will perform similar tasks of an ITC in a deployed environment​

Certification Criteria​

(SOCOM & CENTCOM accepted)

Upon successful completion of the ITC certification Course, participants will be able to execute ISR Sensor Tasking Authority (STA) by:​

  • Under realistic operational conditions effectively employ airborne sensors to meet Commander's intent
  • Applying a fused Intelligence discipline approach to Target Development and Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (IPOE, IPB)​
  • Tracking patterns of life (POL) and patterns of activity (POA) from enemy networks in their respective AO ​
  • Tasking the Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) Units in real-time to support ground Commander's objectives​
  • Find/fix targets in support of  kinetic/non-kinetic targeting​

Collection Management Courses​

The 3 colors of TRADOC.

ISR - 303 MTTs (ATRRS Inputted)

Courses are tailored to unit’s OE focusing on employing joint theater ISR processes, products, and airborne assets

ISR 303 MTTS Collection Management Courses​ Key Competencies
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Fundamentals of Collection Management​ 

(3–5-day w/*Senior Leaders Overview)​

Provide a working knowledge of Joint intelligence requirements development, collection planning, asset tasking and directing, assessing collection, and updating the collection management plan. ISR-303 provides a sound doctrinal basis combined with current best practices being applied in a Joint environment. ​

Advise & assist staffs on OE focused and specific Joint ISR Capabilities including current best practices (OE Tailored)

  • Developing PIR/SIR, developing EEI/NAIs/TAIs
  • Understanding of ISR assets and their capabilities/limitations
  • Understanding the systems, documentation and products associated with ISR operations​
  • Asset tasking / Requests for Collection​
  • ​Providing proper mission feedback supporting MOP and MOE 
  • Understanding the Collection Management process to meet Commander's intent! ​

Prepare individuals to effectively plan, request, employ, target, and manage airborne-ISR assets at the Joint Task Force and Component level— trains how to ITC airborne tactical and theater level assets​

  • Effectively employing all airborne sensors to meet Commander's intent  ​
  • Applying a fused Intelligence discipline approach to Target Development and Intelligence Planning in specific Operational Environments (OEs)​
  • Tracking patterns of life (POL) and patterns of activity (POA) for enemy networks in their respective AOs
  • Find/fix targets in support of kinetic/non-kinetic targeting for LSCO, Hybrid, and Asymmetrical threats ​
Minimalist yellow globe.

Collection Operations Management (COM)​


Joint Publication 2.0

Apply the fundamentals of  JISR COM and JISR targeting principles – execution of ISR Sensor Tasking Authority ​
(training only) ​

Joint Engagement Team Training

The 3 colors of TRADOC.


(CTC Pre-Rotational Training)​

The TRADOC G2, ISR Integration (ISR-I), Combat Training Centers (CTC) mission is to improve the integration, interoperability, & effectiveness of Joint ISR & Joint Fires. The JISR Team provides coaching, teaching & mentoring to Rotational Training Units (RTU) and replicates HICON Collection Management at all CTCs. Focusing on the Brigade Combat Teams (BCT) operating in a Highly Contested Environment (HCE) within a Large-Scale Combat Operation (LSCO) environment nested to Multi-Domain Operations (MDO).


ISR JETT Course Key Competencies
ISR JETT Course Key Competencies
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Joint Engagement Training Team (JETT)​
Joint ISR / Joint Fires​

(MTT / SVTC / MS Teams)

Pre rotational training event (in-person or remote) provided post Leaders Training Program (LTP)

  • A tailored two-day course providing leaders & staff primaries a venue to “Deep Dive” into CTCs prior to the unit's arrival​
  • Provides an in-depth overview focused on the Intelligence & Fires Enterprise (sensor to shooter)
  • Breakout sessions by enterprise to identify challenges, trends, & potential remedies​
  • A culminating working group that socializes friction points & potential mitigation opportunities

Hosted by a team of JISR and JFIRE SMEs aligned to the respective CTC (JRTC, NTC, or JMRC)

  • Doctrine based approached serving as the baseline built upon the current Operational Framework​
  • Supported by current “Best Practices” in use at the CTCs supplemented with viable TTPs (planning through execution and assessments)​
  • Crosswalk of the Sensor to Shooter linkages within the D3A process​
  • Solutions focused promoting a permissive joint fires environment with layered collection operations enabling maneuver and informing Commanders through the MDMP process​
Minimalist yellow globe.

CTC Subject Matter Experts (SME) Hosted Key Leaders and Primary Staff Driven​