Explore the extensive repository of information housed within ODIN's Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) Knowledge Base, designed to equip users with the fundamental insights necessary for authentically simulating intricate environments and dynamic actors during multi-domain operations training. Whether utilized in field exercises, educational institutions, or stationed at home, this robust platform provides users with indispensable resources for crafting true-to-life training scenarios. Enhance your grasp and competence in multi-domain operations through DATE's comprehensive offerings.
DATE Africa contains countries at different stages of development, each seeking economic and security partners from other regions. Competing global interests in the region can quickly turn local conflicts into global affairs.
DATE Eurasia presents a complex geopolitical landscape, with differing visions for the future. While some nations favor economic openness and democracy, others seek to reshape global power. Simultaneously, the region contends with deeply rooted conflicts that continue to shape its trajectory.
DATE Indo-Pacific has a long history of political, military, and civilian instability and conflict. This includes ethnic, political, and religious factionalism. The region is centered on maritime concerns and is dominated by Olvana's military and economy.
DATE Arctic Region encompasses a vast geographical area, spanning multiple countries and encompassing diverse political, military, economic, social, and environmental factors. Despite international cooperation and a history of low tension, the region faces emerging challenges related to resource development, climate change, and infrastructure needs.
Training Publications
ODIN Training Publications features doctrinal publications aimed at enhancing Army training by detailing tactics and techniques of opposing forces and real-world actors. Divided into two series, the Training Circular (TC) 7-100 and Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 7-100, these resources offer insights into both composite model opposing forces and specific named adversaries. The TC 7-100 series comprises six publications, aiding in exercise design, Army learning, and operational procedures for the Army's opposing forces. Meanwhile, the ATP 7-100 series delves into the tactics of specific adversaries like the Chinese and Russian militaries. These publications serve as valuable resources for field training, simulations, and classroom instruction within the Army.

ODIN Training Publications features doctrinal publications aimed at enhancing Army training by detailing tactics and techniques of opposing forces and real-world actors. Divided into two series, the Training Circular (TC) 7-100 and Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 7-100, these resources offer insights into both composite model opposing forces and specific named adversaries. The TC 7-100 series comprises six publications, aiding in exercise design, Army learning, and operational procedures for the Army's opposing forces. Meanwhile, the ATP 7-100 series delves into the tactics of specific adversaries like the Chinese and Russian militaries. These publications serve as valuable resources for field training, simulations, and classroom instruction within the Army.

Virtual OPFOR Academy
Empowering users with valuable insights, tools, and resources, ODIN's Virtual OPFOR Academy (VOA) is your gateway to mastering OPFOR counter-tasks. It goes beyond by not only exposing users to OPFOR tasks, conditions, and standards but also by providing the necessary information to apply them effectively. Tailored to support Combined Arms Training Strategy events, the tasks presented on VOA align seamlessly with unit training objectives within a collective training environment. Elevate your training experience with ODIN's VOA.

Offensive Tasks
The OPFOR sees the offensive as the decisive form of operations and the ultimate means of imposing its will on the enemy.

Protection Tasks
Learn and apply complex battle positions, all arms air defense, anti-landing actions, and how to disrupt.

The OPFOR separates RISTA tasks into two categories: Counter-reconnaissance and reconnaissance.

Drill Tasks
The OPFOR uses battle drills to make the execution of basic tactical tasks that are standard throughout the OPFOR.

Counter-Stability Tasks
Counter-stability tasks are separated into terrorism and crime.