

The combined efforts taken by the TRADOC G2 and the TRADOC Proponent for OPFOR Systems (TPO-OPFOR-S) to build our warfighting readiness by replicating a realistic OPFOR to challenge our forces during Multidomain Operations across live, virtual, and constructive (LVC) training environments.

Learn About OPFOR Modernization:

Explore the Operational Environment Master Plan, TSC Available OPFOR Equipment along with TRADOC G2 and TPO-OPFOR-S produced Point Papers and Modernization presentation.

master plan icon

Operational Environment Master Plan

Provides goals and objectives to improve and modernize the OPFOR program at Combat Training Centers (CTC), Home-Station Training (HST), Center of Excellence (COE) and within Model and Simulations (M&S).

Point Papers Icon

OPFOR Point Papers – Recommendations​

A collection of TRADOC G2 and TPO-OPFOR-S produced Point Papers and Information Papers pertaining to OPFOR Modernization efforts and/or the implication of such. CAC Required.

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TPO-OPFOR-S Modernization Slide-deck​

A series of Power Point Presentations and documents produced by the TRADOC Proponent Office for OPFOR training Systems (TPO-OPFOR-S). CAC Required.


TSC Available OPFOR Equipment

OPFOR Training Devices that are available for home station training from your local TSC as found in the TSS Enterprise TADSS Index and Description Catalog.

Engage with opfor Modernization:

OPFOR Program Badge

Find out the current disposition of approved OPFOR Modernization efforts, or request assistance from the OPFOR Modernization team.​