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EVALUATE The evaluate phase determines the quality of learning resources and how well they accomplished exercise/event goals. It is the quality control mechanism…
READ STORY  The planning phases (analyze, design, and develop) set the foundation for the training to be conducted and for individual Soldiers and…
READ STORY  The purpose of the develop phase is to provide a compilation of products that set the initial conditions and timeline of events imposed…
READ STORY  The purpose of the design phase is to conceptualize the execution of the event or exercise. Design activities provide the framework and drive…
READ STORY  Before beginning scenario development in support of an event or exercise, one must first conduct the analysis phase. Analysis is…
READ STORY  GCKN: CultureGram – China is not Monolithic: Defining Generations Within the Chinese Social Context.
GCKN: CultureGram – China is not Monolithic: Defining Generations Within the Chinese Social Context. The current, senior leadership in the…
READ STORY  FMSO: Iran OE Watch Articles from 2024 Issue #2 Spotlight on Vatanpour, Iran’s “Most Active” Airbase By Michael Rubin…