Red Diamond: Russia’s “Elastic Defense” Technique Slowed Ukraine’s Advance

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by Dorsel Boyer, TRADOC G2 Analyst and Jennifer Dunn, TRADOC G2 Supervisory Intelligence Specialist The Russian Army challenged Ukraine’s widely anticipated 2023 counteroffensive in Zaporizhia Oblast through a well-prepared positional defense.[i] As part of this defense, Russia has employed a technique referred to by the media as an “elastic defense.”[ii] Although touted by the media…


OE Watch, Vol. 10 (Iss. 01)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

This issue of OE Watch continues to see Russian sources pointing to the General Staff and doctrine development, specifically at an upcoming decree that would give the General Staff a supervisory role among an expanded set of government institutions in coordinating national concepts and doctrine for the total security of the state (“Russia’s General Staff…