OE Watch, Vol. 11 (Iss. 05)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

This OE Watch contains 29 foreign article reviews spanning many different regions and countries covering Operational Environment topics from the foreign perspective for the US Army leader, development, training and education community, as well as others in governmental, analytic, and academic communities. This issue can be downloaded at FMSO’s website: https://community.apan.org/wg/tradoc-g2/fmso/ Its Table of Contents…


Meet the ION, Training for the Future, Today

How Russia Fights

Story by Spc. Tyler Morford. … As Soldiers from the 308th Civil Affairs Brigade, Homewood Illinois, and the 415th Civil Affairs Battalion, Kalamazoo, Michigan, gain experience at Fort Custer Training Center during a validation and evaluation exercise, a controlled network called the ION, utilized more than 15 miles away, designed to simulate current and future…


The Operational Environment (2021-2030): Great Power Competition, Crisis, and Conflict

How China Fights China Landing Zone

The TRADOC G-2’s new publication, The Operational Environment (2021-2030): Great Power Competition, Crisis, and Conflict complements previous publications exploring the Operational Environment (OE), expanding the Army’s understanding of Competition, Crisis, and Conflict with our Pacing Threats (Russia and China) in the decade ahead. These adversaries are now engaged in a race to compete with the United States globally. This Competition has extended to the two areas where the Army has enjoyed its historical advantages: in the ability to fight the way we wish to fight and in human capital. Our Pacing Threats’ challenge to the Army is more than a multi-domain challenge on the battlefield; it is also a challenge across doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy (DOTMLPF-P). View the document below.


Announcing the DATE Users’ Conference ’21

How China Fights China Landing Zone

The TRADOC G-2’s Operational Environment Integration (OEI) Directorate will host the first DATE Users’ Conference on 12-14 January 2021. This event is intended to enhance integration and coordination between developers of the training operational environment, scenario developers, and end users. Event Purpose: The DATE Users’ Conference will be an opportunity for TRADOC G-2 to engage…


DATE Pacific Update

DATE Pacific.

The update includes the addition of new sub-variable content across the PMESII-PT Framework (totaling over 500 pages of OE content with over 250 sub-variable topics per country).


US Army TRADOC G2 Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 3 July 2020

Global Tactics For Army Readiness

Hot off the Press  OE Watch (June ’20) – This issue features 62 articles covering various security challenges including a Russian Perspective of Regional Security in the Arctic OE Watch (July ’20) – This issue features 63 articles from across the globe including one from Latin America examining the Gulf Cartels PYSOPS During COVID-19Red Diamond– Iran…


TRADOC 2028 Visualization

How Russia Fights

The U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command recruits, trains, educates, and builds the Army, driving constant improvement and change. The pace is accelerating, and with the possibility of large scale combat operations and the convergence of new technologies we are at the cusp of a change in the character of warfare. Preparing Soldiers and leaders to…