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The 3 colors of TRADOC.

Explore Russia Focused Research

Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)

Think tank that produces evidence-based research, publications and events on defense topics, security, and international affairs in order to help build a more secure, equitable, and stable world. Discover some of their seminal products on the Russian military.

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Near Peer: Russia (Understanding Russia's Military History)

Army University Press

Subject matter experts discuss Russian history, current affairs, and military doctrine. Putin’s declarations, advances in military technology, and Russia’s remembrance of the Great Patriotic War are also addressed. “Near Peer: Russia” is the second film in a four-part series exploring America’s global competitors.


Drawing lessons from the conflict seeking to outline key lessons, based on the operational data accumulated by the Ukrainian General Staff, from the fighting between February and July 2022.

A report to examine the causes of the failure of the Ukrainian offensive in 2023 in order to avoid the repetition of such errors in the future and
to inform the regeneration of offensive combat power in NATO militaries.

(CAC Required)
This document describes updated structure and order of battle information for the Russian Federation and basics of Russian military. The document explores Russia’s stated security policy goals of Russian military culture, maxims, and missions.

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The Threat Management Office provides Threat/Intelligence support to the Cyber...


Complete Archive

The 3 colors of TRADOC.
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FMSO: Russia OE Watch Articles from 2024 Issue #1

By Kevin O'Connell | 03/07/2024 |

FMSO: Russia OE Watch Articles from 2024 Issue #1 Russian Military Working To Respond to U.S. “Multi-Domain Operations” By…


TRADOC: Driving Change in the Maneuver Force – Threats Over Time

By Denise Judd | 02/09/2024 |

TRADOC: Driving Change in the Maneuver Force – Threats Over Time (CAC Required) Slide presentation highlighting Russia’s evolving doctrine in…

russia landing zone badge

Signature of Equipment Series: Russia

By KeithFrench | 02/01/2024 |

Signature of Equipment Series: Russia CAC Required Table 1. Russian Air Defense systems Table 1.2. Russian Counter-battery Radars Table 1.3.…

red diamond logo

Russia Addressing Missing Links in Kill Chain

By Red Diamond Editor | 01/12/2024 |

by WO2 Blair Battersby, UK LNO to TRADOC G-2 Observations from the Russia-Ukraine War provide insight into Russia’s remedies to…

FMSO logo.

FMSO: Describing Russian Infantry’s Breaching and Clearing Techniques

By KeithFrench | 01/11/2024 |

Dr. Lester Grau and Dr. Charles Bartles discuss the Russian infantry’s breaching and clearing techniques. Published in the Winter 2023-2024…

FMSO logo.

FMSO: The Airborne Mechanized Raid: A Russian Concept

By KeithFrench | 01/11/2024 |

Dr. Lester Grau and Dr. Charles Bartles discuss the airborne mechanized raid from the Russian military perspective. Published in the…

Tracking Russian Military Influences in Foreign States

FMSO: Military DIME (M-DIME) Research Project: Tracking Russian military influence in foreign states

By nkirkpatrick2 | 01/09/2024 |

What instruments does Russia use to attempt to gain military influence abroad? These reports use FMSO’s M-DIME Research Project framework…


Russian Assault Groups’ Evolution in Ukraine

By Red Diamond Editor | 12/15/2023 |

by WO2 Blair Battersby, UK LNO to TRADOC G-2 and Dorsel Boyer, TRADOC G-2 Analyst Russia’s approach to war in…

FMSO logo.

Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO): Instruments of Russian Military Influence in Iran

By Dianne McIntosh | 12/13/2023 |

“Instruments of Russian Military Influence in Iran” (by Lucas Winter, Jason Warner, and Jemima Baar) assesses that Russia’s current military…

chatham house logo

Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs: Understanding Russia’s military vulnerabilities

By KeithFrench | 10/17/2023 |

This paper draws preliminary conclusions about Russia’s warfighting capabilities based on the initial 12 months of its invasion of Ukraine…