DATE Pacific Update

DATE Pacific.

The update includes the addition of new sub-variable content across the PMESII-PT Framework (totaling over 500 pages of OE content with over 250 sub-variable topics per country).


WEG Updates for November

Global Tactics For Army Readiness

TRADOC G-2 produces a training tool called the Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG). The WEG exists to support opposing force (OPFOR) portrayals in training events (constructive, virtual, live, and gaming). As such, the equipment portrayed in the WEG is representative of military systems, including variants and upgrades, that U.S. forces may encounter now and in the…


MadSci Blog 284. The Convergence: Disinformation, Revisionism, and China with Doowan Lee

Mad Scientist Initiative

Editor’s Note:  Mad Scientist is pleased to announce our latest episode of “The Convergence” podcast, featuring Mr. Doowan Lee, discussing disinformation, changes over time in approaches to information warfare, and revisionism and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  Please note that this podcast and several of the embedded links below are best accessed via a non-DoD network…


Mad Scientist Laboratory Blog Post 277. Insights from the Mad Scientist Weaponized Information Series

How Russia Fights

Today’s Mad Scientist Laboratory blog post captures the key insights,organized into a dozen themes, that we’ve gleaned from this past Spring andSummer’s series of Weaponized Information Virtual Events. Following eachtheme, we’ve provided links to assist you in drilling down further toexplore and learn more about each of these insights.    


OE Watch, Vol. 10 (Iss. 09)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

The September issue of OE Watch features 54 articles covering various security challenges from the foreign perspective from over 30 different countries and regions around the globe. It can be found at FMSO’s website:, all of FMSO’s books, studies, and OE Watch issues are digitally available there—a great OE resource for ADTLE! Notably in…


OE Watch, Vol. 10 (Iss. 08)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

The August issue of OE Watch continues to feature foreign perspectives on the OE, particularly on how Russia and China are leveraging emerging technologies and foreign presence to exploit opportunities, as well as a variety of topics related to COVID-19 and security affairs. In the Eurasia section, Russian military advances to note include their development…


US Army TRADOC G2 Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 3 July 2020

Global Tactics For Army Readiness

Hot off the Press  OE Watch (June ’20) – This issue features 62 articles covering various security challenges including a Russian Perspective of Regional Security in the Arctic OE Watch (July ’20) – This issue features 63 articles from across the globe including one from Latin America examining the Gulf Cartels PYSOPS During COVID-19Red Diamond– Iran…


OE Watch, Vol. 10 (Iss. 07)

OE Watch JUL 2020, Vol 10, Iss 07

The July issue of OE Watch continues to feature foreign perspectives on the OE, particularly on how Russia and China are leveraging emerging technologies and foreign presence to exploit opportunities in their respective areas of interest, as well as a variety of topics related to COVID-19 and security affairs. Several articles look at recent Russian…


TRADOC 2028 Visualization

How Russia Fights

The U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command recruits, trains, educates, and builds the Army, driving constant improvement and change. The pace is accelerating, and with the possibility of large scale combat operations and the convergence of new technologies we are at the cusp of a change in the character of warfare. Preparing Soldiers and leaders to…