ThreatMinutes: Empowering Soldiers With Bite-Sized Digital Learning

ThreatMinutes PLAA sample cover

Although it is crucial for Soldiers to stay up to date with the latest information about rapidly evolving threats and opposing forces, the traditional approach of disseminating lengthy and complex intelligence documents or in-person briefings may not be the most effective way to engage Soldiers who tend to exhibit a more self-directed and exploratory learning…


OE Watch, Vol. 13 (Iss. 07)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

This OE Watch contains 21 foreign article reviews spanning over multiple different regions and countries covering Operational Environment security topics from the foreign perspective for the US Army leader, development, training, and education community, as well as others in governmental, analytic, and academic communities. This issue can be downloaded at FMSO’s website: Its Table…


OE Watch, Vol. 13 (Iss. 08)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

This OE Watch contains 20 foreign article reviews spanning over 20-25 different regions and countries covering various Operational Environment security topics from the foreign perspective for the US Army leader, development, training, and education community, as well as others in governmental, analytic, and academic communities. This issue can be downloaded at FMSO’s NEW website:,…


Introducing the new DATE Indo-Pacific Region Video

Global Tactics For Army Readiness

 TRADOC G2 expanded and updated the Indo-Pacific Operational Environment (OE) of DATE in August, 2023. Additions include four new countries to better reflect the complex operational environment: Bagansait, Himaldesh, Sungzon, and Khorathidin. Our allies are already using and contributing towards this environment, as most recently as the large scale, multi-lateral exercise, Talisman Sabre 23.…


OE Watch, Vol. 13 (Iss. 06)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

This OE Watch contains 21 foreign article reviews spanning over 20 different regions and countries covering Operational Environment security topics from the foreign perspective for the US Army leader, development, training, and education community, as well as others in governmental, analytic, and academic communities. This issue can be downloaded at FMSO’s website: Its Table…


OE Watch, Vol. 13 (Iss. 05)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

This OE Watch contains 20 foreign article reviews spanning over 30 different regions and countries covering Operational Environment security topics from the foreign perspective for the US Army leader, development, training, and education community, as well as others in governmental, analytic, and academic communities. This issue can be downloaded at FMSO’s website: Its Table…


OE Watch, Vol. 13 (Iss. 03)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

This OE Watch contains 21 foreign article reviews spanning over 30 regions and countries and covering the Operational Environment. Its analyses introduce security topics articulated from foreign perspectives, and as a product, it is intended for U.S. Army leader development, training, and education communities, as well as others in government, analytic, and academic communities. This…