CNA: Key Doctrine Concepts of the PLA

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The Center for Naval Analyses released its report on the Doctrine of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Key Concepts.  This report is the second in a series focused on providing the US Army with basic information about how the PLA thinks about the issue of doctrine and some of their key guiding concepts for the…


CNA: 10 Key Differences between the US and PLA

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The Center for Naval Analyses released its report on The Personnel System of the PLA: 10 key Differences between the US and PRC Militaries.  This report will be a first in a series that supports the effort of providing US Army personnel with fundamental information about the people in the PLA. Specifically, this report identifies…


Cyber Center of Excellence: The latest Cyber Intelligence Minute Report (CIMR)

How Russia Fights

The Cyber Center of Excellence develops Minute Reports providing overviews of a number of topics: “CAC Required” 10/02/2023 Infographic on Russian Army Groups, which are organized for strategic and operational purposes, allowing for coordinated military actions over a broader front or in specific theaters of operation. (U)_231002_Russian_Army_Groups.pdf 09/25/2023 Russian Denial and Deception (U)_230925_Russian_Denial and Deception.pptx…


TRADOC: Resources for Understanding China

How China Fights China Landing Zone

Resources for Studying China Available at: Peter Wood is a senior analyst at the TRADOC G2 Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO) and has complied a comprehensive starting point for resources to view in studying China.  These resources allow users to choose from educational links, suggested reading lists as well as Podcasts and newsletters to…


Announcing the DATE Users’ Conference ’21

How China Fights China Landing Zone

The TRADOC G-2’s Operational Environment Integration (OEI) Directorate will host the first DATE Users’ Conference on 12-14 January 2021. This event is intended to enhance integration and coordination between developers of the training operational environment, scenario developers, and end users. Event Purpose: The DATE Users’ Conference will be an opportunity for TRADOC G-2 to engage…


Red Diamond: Iran

Global Tactics For Army Readiness

Greetings OE Enterprise! The latest issue of the Red Diamond is now available. To access the latest issue, visit the below URL: This issue of Red Diamond features a variety of articles focused on Iran. Of particular interest are feature articles by renowned Iranian subject matter experts Joseph Fallon and Michael Rubin. Mr. Fallon…