M-DIME | Chinese military influence in Mali

China Military Influence in Mali

What tools of national power does China use to gain military influence in Mali? In this new report from FMSO’s “M-DIME Research Project,” which assesses Chinese and Russian military influence in third-party states around the world, we assess that China’s current M-DIME influence in Mali is Low. Some of the most important instruments for Chinese…


GCKN: CultureGram – China is not Monolithic: Defining Generations Within the Chinese Social Context.

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GCKN: CultureGram – China is not Monolithic: Defining Generations Within the Chinese Social Context. The current, senior leadership in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and People’s Liberation Army (PLA ) are primarily from the 50’s decade-based generation. Their outlook on the world is different from the more open-minded 80’s decade-based generation that will dominate the…


Signature of Equipment Series: Russia

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Signature of Equipment Series: Russia CAC Required Table 1. Russian Air Defense systems Table 1.2. Russian Counter-battery Radars Table 1.3. Russian Early Warning Radars Table 1.4. Russian Ground Surveillance Radars  


FMSO: Military DIME (M-DIME) Research Project: Tracking Russian military influence in foreign states

Tracking Russian Military Influences in Foreign States

What instruments does Russia use to attempt to gain military influence abroad? These reports use FMSO’s M-DIME Research Project framework to assess the extent to which Russia has leveraged twelve tools of national power between 2013 and 2023 to gain military influence abroad. In doing so, they assess Russia’s current overall military influence abroad, as…


FMSO: Military DIME (M-DIME) Research Project: Tracking Chinese military influence in foreign states

Tracking Chinese Military Influences in Foreign States

What instruments does China use to attempt to gain military influence abroad? These reports use FMSO’s M-DIME Research Project framework to assess the extent to which China has leveraged twelve tools of national power between 2013 and 2023 to gain military influence abroad. In doing so, they assess China’s current overall military influence abroad, as…


Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO): Instruments of Chinese Military Influence in Iran

China Influence in Iran Featured Image

“Instruments of Chinese Military Influence in Iran” (by Lucas Winter, Jason Warner, and Jemima Baar) assesses that China’s current military influence in Iran is high, and is expected to increase over the next three years. Some of the primary instruments that China uses to gain influence in Iran are: defense-related diplomacy; cooperation in military intelligence/communication;…


Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO): Instruments of Russian Military Influence in Iran

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“Instruments of Russian Military Influence in Iran” (by Lucas Winter, Jason Warner, and Jemima Baar) assesses that Russia’s current military influence in Iran is high, and is expected to increase over the next three years. Some of the primary instruments that Russia uses to gain influence in Iran are: cooperation in military intel/communications; shared informal/multilateral…


CNA: Key Doctrine Concepts of the PLA

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The Center for Naval Analyses released its report on the Doctrine of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Key Concepts.  This report is the second in a series focused on providing the US Army with basic information about how the PLA thinks about the issue of doctrine and some of their key guiding concepts for the…


CNA: 10 Key Differences between the US and PLA

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The Center for Naval Analyses released its report on The Personnel System of the PLA: 10 key Differences between the US and PRC Militaries.  This report will be a first in a series that supports the effort of providing US Army personnel with fundamental information about the people in the PLA. Specifically, this report identifies…