Posts Tagged ‘Operational Environment’
TRADOC G-2 Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) World 2023
Maintaining a Competitive Advantage: The Role of Date World in US Army Training The US Army faces a continuous challenge in responding to the pacing threat of near-peer adversaries who are engaged in major military modernization efforts across all domains. To ensure the Army and its partners are prepared to outmaneuver these potential foes, a…
READ STORYScenario Development | Phase 5 – Evaluate
EVALUATE​ The evaluate phase determines the quality of learning resources and how well they accomplished exercise/event goals. It is the quality control mechanism for learning and learning product development.
READ STORYScenario Development | Phase 4 – Implement
The planning phases (analyze, design, and develop) set the foundation for the training to be conducted and for individual Soldiers and the unit to achieve the desired levels of readiness. The implement phase puts these plans into action.​ IMPLEMENT​ The implement phase marks the transition from planning phases (analyze, design, and develop) to execution of the training event or exercise.…
READ STORYScenario Development | Phase 3 – Develop
The purpose of the develop phase is to provide a compilation of products that set the initial conditions and timeline of events imposed on the training audience. Within the scenario, the training audience is presented with problems, completes tasks, and makes decisions to achieve training outcomes. Although the resolution of a scenario can vary greatly, it always addresses the operational environment…
READ STORYScenario Development | Phase 2 – Design
The purpose of the design phase is to conceptualize the execution of the event or exercise. Design activities provide the framework and drive the detailed scenario development actions that occur in the develop phase. Designers must envision relevant problems and anticipate corresponding actions and reactions to conceptualize and event or exercise. This creativity requires designers to have an advanced understanding of the following…
READ STORYScenario Development | Phase 1 – Analysis
Before beginning scenario development in support of an event or exercise, one must first conduct the analysis phase. Analysis is the cornerstone for leaders to identify the who, what when, why, and how of scenario development with the training event or exercise. ​ The analysis phase is for defining the training needs (goals or objectives)…
READ STORYEvent: TRADOC G2 ATP 7-100.1 Russian Tactics LPD
TRADOC G2 ATP 7-100.1 Russian Tactics LPD TRADOC G2 Invites you to participate in a Leader Professional Development (LPD) opportunity on the newly released ATP 7-100.1 Russian Tactics. Published on 29 FEB 24, the ATP describes Russian doctrine and tactics, addressing the challenges the nation faces against the acute Russian threat. The publication provides a…
READ STORYGCKN: SOCIOCULTURAL RUNNING ESTIMATE – Belarus: New Strategy, New Threats, More Suppression
GCKN: SOCIOCULTURAL RUNNING ESTIMATE – Belarus: New Strategy, New Threats, More Suppression In This Running Estimate… In Russian popular perspectives, Putin’s popularity dropped two points to 83%, while support for the SMO steadied at 76% after a dip in November. Belief that the SMO is successful rose four points to 66% in November, with no…
READ STORYCyber Center of Excellence: The latest Cyber Intelligence Minute Report (CIMR)
The Cyber Center of Excellence develops Minute Reports providing overviews of a number of topics: “CAC Required” 10/02/2023 Infographic on Russian Army Groups, which are organized for strategic and operational purposes, allowing for coordinated military actions over a broader front or in specific theaters of operation. (U)_231002_Russian_Army_Groups.pdf 09/25/2023 Russian Denial and Deception (U)_230925_Russian_Denial and Deception.pptx…
READ STORYCyber Intelligence Minute Report – Anti Access and Area Denial
The Cyber Center of Excellence has published a series of Cyber Intelligence Minute Reports focusing on the Strategic and Operational environment of Russia. The three areas they concentrated on were 1) Military and Security Leadership, 2) How they Fight, and 3) Anti-Access and Area Denial. “CAC Required” (U)_230821_Russian_Anti-Access_Area Denial.pptx (