Russia Struggling To Integrate Its Most Effective Unmanned System

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by Blair Battersby, TRADOC G-2 Analyst Russia’s Orlan unmanned aerial system (UAS) has proven to be its most effective unmanned system on the battlefield in Ukraine because its speed and flying altitude have made it difficult to defeat. However, observations of the Orlan’s employment suggest Russia is experiencing challenges integrating this complex system, which could…


Russia Addressing Missing Links in Kill Chain

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by WO2 Blair Battersby, UK LNO to TRADOC G-2 Observations from the Russia-Ukraine War provide insight into Russia’s remedies to address critical gaps in its kill chain, providing the U.S Army with the opportunity to prepare for an optimized adversary during today’s training events. Russia has struggled to deliver dynamic, precision fires with the efficiency…


Smart Phones Playing Prominent Role in Russia-Ukraine War

Global Tactics For Army Readiness

by Kevin Freese, TRADOC G-2 Analyst Combatants have used civilian communications networks since the invention of the telegraph, and wireless communications are no exception. Cellular phones provided targeting information and became targets themselves throughout the Global War on Terror. Smart phones have played a major role for several years now in strategic messaging and information operations.…