US Army TRADOC G2 Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 June 2020
Hot off the Press
OE Watch (May ’20) – This issue features 65 articles from the foreign perspectives spanning the globe with several COVID-19 related challenges.
Virtual War: The Qatar-UAE Battle of Narratives – A short overview of the past decade’s information war between the two nations and projected future trends.
Book Review: A Look Back and Forward at Turkey’s
“Strategic Depth” – A summary and translation of Turkey’s 2001 book with analysis on the application to past and future foreign policy decisions.
Recommended Readings
Russian Private Military Companies– (Asymmetric Warfare Group – AWG) Analyzing if Russian PMCs pose a threat to U.S. and partner forces, and scenarios under which they would matter to U.S. commanders.
Mad Scientist
Now thru 21 July: Weaponized Information Virtual Events
Information Warfare Vignettes Writing Contest Submissions Due NLT 1 July
Training & OPFOR Updates
Sharpen your critical thinking skills. The G2’s University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies (UFMCS) has upcoming resident courses in FY21 open now. Courses help enhance your organizational decision-making and complex problem-solving. Courses
Want an overview of DATE, OPFOR, and other tools?
The G2, 101st ABN DIV (AASLT) will host a team from the TRADOC G2 for their next virtual intelligence professional development discussion over Facebook on Thursday, 2 July at 1800 EST. Join the event here.
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DATE / ATPs / OE Updates
With next month’s publication of the Army Techniques Publication (ATP) North Korea, followed with similar publications on China, Russia, and Iran; the TRADOC G2 team has created two new graphics recommending best uses for TRADOC G2 products:
Infographic – Opposing Forces Source Comparison – Differences in TCs and ATPs OPFOR tactics and best uses for exercises.
Infographic – Operational Environment & Threat For Application – Strategic to Tactical nesting of TRADOC G2 products.

Coming Soon
ATP – North Korea (ATP 7-100.2)
Red Diamond – Iran
Operational Environment Assessment: Arctic Competition in 2035 – Anticipating Russian Exploitations of the OE
OE Watch (June ’20)
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