Framland is a prosperous country to the east of Torrike; it stretches from the Baltic Sea to north of the Arctic Circle. The country is a multi‐party constitutional monarchy with open elections and political power vested in the prime minister. Its population enjoys freedom of speech and expression, and its relatively stable economy ensures a reasonable standard of living. The Framish people clearly consider themselves Europeans, but are hesitant to become a member of the EU, seeing it as compromising their national identity.
While maintaining good relations with the rest of European nations, Framland is extremely aware of the strategic visions of Bothnia and Torrike. Their claims to power and land within the region create the potential for confrontation with Framland. Notwithstanding these perceptions, Framland cultivates and enjoys good relations with both of its larger neighbors. It is a member of the UN and continues to build its relationship with both NATO and the EU, albeit keeping the latter two at arm’s length. Framland and Donovia have normal political relations with growing economic and cultural exchanges, especially on a regional basis; however, they both foster an age‐old distrust, and have diverging attitudes toward democracy and human rights.
The Framland Defense Force is unusual in the region in that it is all volunteer and as such is also the smallest force in the region by a considerable margin. Notwithstanding size, the armed forces in general, and the army in particular, have considerable operational expertise gained through deployments in support of UN and other international military missions. In keeping with the country’s modern and Western outlook, the armed forces are completely apolitical. The Framish government uses its armed forces as a useful diplomatic tool to build stability throughout the world.
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