Red Diamond: Russia’s “Elastic Defense” Technique Slowed Ukraine’s Advance

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by Dorsel Boyer, TRADOC G2 Analyst and Jennifer Dunn, TRADOC G2 Supervisory Intelligence Specialist The Russian Army challenged Ukraine’s widely anticipated 2023 counteroffensive in Zaporizhia Oblast through a well-prepared positional defense.[i] As part of this defense, Russia has employed a technique referred to by the media as an “elastic defense.”[ii] Although touted by the media…


Russian Assault Groups’ Evolution in Ukraine


by WO2 Blair Battersby, UK LNO to TRADOC G-2 and Dorsel Boyer, TRADOC G-2 Analyst Russia’s approach to war in its so-called “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine has evolved over the past 21 months, suggesting ways in which U.S. Army OPFOR training can evolve to match. Russian forces have faced several organizational and doctrinal limitations…


TRADOC G-2 New Leadership Professional Development (LPD) Series

How China Fights China Landing Zone

  The TRADOC G-2 is kicking off a new Leadership Professional Development (LPD) series designed to educate the force on a new series of Army doctrine, the Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 7-100 series. This doctrine series provide unclassified assessments of threat tactics. The first ATP 7-100 series publication due for release is the ATP 7-100.3,…