This OE Watch contains 30 foreign article reviews spanning over 20 different regions and countries covering Operational Environment topics from the foreign perspective for the US Army leader, development, training and education community, as well as others in governmental, analytic, and academic communities.

This issue can be downloaded at FMSO’s website:

Its Table of Contents is here:


3 Russian Military Newspapers on the Decline
4 Less Hazing, More Corruption in the Russian Ranks
5 Russia Bolstering Arctic Air Umbrella
7 Russian Military Rations Improving, Including in the Arctic
9 Russia Formed 18th Motorized Rifle Division in Kaliningrad
12 Capabilities and Organizational Aspects of Russia’s 1B75 ‘Penitsillin’ Acoustic-Thermal Reconnaissance System
14 Slow Expansion of Russian Forces in Kyrgyzstan
16 Russian Military History: Victim and Weapon of Information Operations


17 Instant Aggregation of Superiority: A Chinese Vision for Dominating the Future Battlefield
18 Beijing’s Housing Policy in Hong Kong: Soft Power and Dense Urban Terrain
20 India Adding Battalions, Not Divisions, to the Army amid Deescalation Efforts
22 5G and Military Drones: Key Sectors of Growing Chinese-Emirati Collaboration
24 China and Russia Back Myanmar Military’s Coup


25 Iran: Supreme Leader Affirms Ability to Build Nuclear Bomb
26 Iran: New Indigenous Rifles Unveiled
27 Iran Unveils New Bahman Radar System
28 Turkey’s New Armed Unmanned Surface Vessel
30 Turkey and Iran Compete for Influence in Iraq
32 Increased Algerian Focus on “New Generation Warfare”
34 Video Games in the Operational Environment in Egypt and Beyond


36 African Autocrats Using COVID to Consolidate Power
37 Qatar and UAE’s Underreported Role in Somalia’s Political Impasse 38 Armed Groups in the DRC: An Ambassador’s Murder Highlights Eastern Congo Violence
39 Malian Jihadist Leader Expands Al-Qaeda’s Reach Toward Senegal
41 Nigerian Bandit Leaders Threaten Government, Draw Comparisons to Boko Haram


42 Argentina Offered Major Weapons Package by Russia
43 Colombian Navy Baptizes New Amphibious Landing Ship Built In-House
44 Maduro’s Venezuela Continues Its Campaign of Regional Destabilization in the South Atlantic

For more information on this product, please contact:  Mr. Paul (Kent) Baumann ( ), Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, KS

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