OE Watch, Vol. 10 (Iss. 08)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

The August issue of OE Watch continues to feature foreign perspectives on the OE, particularly on how Russia and China are leveraging emerging technologies and foreign presence to exploit opportunities, as well as a variety of topics related to COVID-19 and security affairs. In the Eurasia section, Russian military advances to note include their development…


OE Watch, Vol. 10 (Iss. 06)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

The June issue of OE Watch continues its broad coverage of foreign perspectives of the operational environment, as well as continuing special focus on foreign, security-related perspectives on the COVID-19 pandemic.  In the Eurasia section, three articles consider how countries in the region are adapting their military conscriptions to address the pandemic (“Alternate Medical Service…


OE Watch, Vol. 10 (Iss. 05)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

Included among OE Watch’s usual broad range of foreign perspectives of the operational environment, this issue richly highlights responses to theCOVID-19 pandemic from foreign sources, revealing a variety of impacts ranging from military considerations to diplomatic influence to conflicts. The Russian military, like many others, is grappling with balancing military readiness and soldier safety (“COVID-19…


OE Watch, Vol. 10 (Iss. 02)

OE Watch FEB 2020, Vol 10, Iss 02

This issue of OE Watch opens with a look at some of what Russians are touting as their military accomplishments in 2019 (“Summing Up Russian Military Achievements in 2019” and “Some Changes in the Russian Armed Forces in 2019”).  Looking ahead, the Russian Armed Forces are modernizing their special purpose firearms (“Silenced Assault Rifle for…


OE Watch, Vol. 10 (Iss. 01)

Operational Environment Watch Publication

This issue of OE Watch continues to see Russian sources pointing to the General Staff and doctrine development, specifically at an upcoming decree that would give the General Staff a supervisory role among an expanded set of government institutions in coordinating national concepts and doctrine for the total security of the state (“Russia’s General Staff…